Do you wear your seatbelt?

Do you wear your seat belt?

  • Never

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  • Most of the time

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  • Yes, all of the time

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I never wear one.
They make me feel uncomfortable...
I make my kids ALWAYS wear one. No question...
If i was a passanger in someone elses car and they asked me to wear one...i would do it for them with no problem.
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I always wear my seatbelt.. it has become so normal that I just don't even think about it.. it is something I do before I start the car... I do not feel safe unless I have it on.... strange... years ago when my children were young... it wasn't such a big deal... actually in the early 70's my husband didn't want me to put the car seat in his new car... it might ruin the valour seats...
but I did anyway... now he would probably be sent to jail.

I lost three friends in high school, in two separate accidents, that probably would have lived if they were wearing seatbelts. That has convinced me to wear mine every time.
Yep, when I'm driving, the drill in the car is for everyone to say "contact" (means your seat belt is fastened), before I put the car in gear. The DW, on the other hand, when she is driving, usually pulls out of the drive, on the phone, and trying to fasten her belt at the same time (hurry, hurry, hurry). Her dad was an EMT and says he doesn't wear a seat belt because he's seen more folks killed belted in than those tossed free

Guess which parent has the upcoming driver ed responsibilities?
You ride with me you wear a belt. I have a student I teach at home because she went through her brother's windshield when he hit a fence at 85mph. TBI, not pretty, her body is caved in on itself.
I wear mine 50% of the time...

I grew up in a time when they weren't law.... although i dont doubt the safety rating...BUT my father in law would still be here with us here today if he had not been wearing his.... Car accident, car was pushed off a small bridge into a ravine..when the car landed, the seat and the weight of his body sitting on the buckle would not allow him to open the seat belt and he drowned. He had minor injuries as a result of the accident, official cause of death is drowning.

they need to make seat belts fit better!.. if the belt is cutting across my neck i wont wear it even in vehicles with the shoulder height adjustable sone still cut you right across the throat and not sit on your shoulder.
It is amazing to me the amount of you that make it a rule. I think it is fantastic!!

I remember when DS was small and I felt like I was always reminding him. Now he is the one that will remind me if I happen to forget.

Dar I am sorry for the loss of your FIL. I have heard several stories where the occupant would have been better off without the seat belt. I just lost a high school friend in an auto accident involving her and her husband in their semi. My husband drives truck so I asked him if wearing her belt would have saved her. He said no. The way the truck had to land on her side it owuld not have saved her. Her husband lived and was not wearing is. So I see their are positive and negatives points to both sides.

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