Do you wear your seatbelt?

Do you wear your seat belt?

  • Never

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  • Most of the time

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  • Yes, all of the time

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Always, I won't start the car unless everyone is buckled. I also always have my 4 year old buckled in her car seat. I can't stand people that don't have their babies in car seats. It happens alot over here, I'll look into the car next to me, and mom is holding her infant in the front seat while dad is driving. It's very dangerous especially if you have front passenger airbags, which most new cars do.
I don't wear one on my own driveway, but I do driving everywhere else. I was in a car accident over the winter and the seat belt saved me from hitting the steering wheel and having more serious injuries (I was hit head on by our rural mail delivery vehicle).

HOWEVER. I drive an F-150 and the seatbelt digs in my neck and its NOT adjustable.
Don't know about anywhere else, but it's a law here in Texas(front or back seat).
I'd wear one anyway, and I am NEVER driving/riding without a seatbelt.

Everyone in the car is buckled, every time. This summer, every time I reminded my niece, I got an eye-roll. I don't let my kids ride with my brother.

My almost nine year old was in a booster seat until a few months ago because he is a fly-weight. I would hate myself forever if my child was injured or killed because I allowed them to ride without a belt. I think it would kill me.
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I was taking my much younger brothers to the zoo and they slipped their belts off thinking I wouldn't notice. I stopped at the next light and turned off the engine.

I said "This car is not moving until you buckle up." They didn't think I was serious. We sat through 4 light changes and they finally buckled up...because they were embarrassed at being honked at and having me tell each person who asked what my problem was about it, not because I told them to.

I took them directly home and let our LEO father know why I was not taking them out that day.

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