Do your chicks like your coop?

Come dusk--they are pacing to get get back into the coop! IF they get scared, they run for the coop... They also return to the coop for water (even tho they have one on the outside), they have never laid out the coop! So I think they like their coop..
I think mine do like their coop. It's roomy (64 sq. ft for 12 full grown hens) and has good ventilation, access to water/feed/light, etc. They use all 6 nest boxes and both roosts. I think they like it, but I need to get their run up to specs so they can enjoy a predator free outdoor experience.
Mine free range, so they don't love their coop until nighttime...then they love it well. They also love it in the winter when the snow is too deep for them to walk...they seem to enjoy this time to be together and gossip.

I think they especially like it since I've been using deep litter.

My younger flock of juveniles seem to prefer the great outdoors most of the time.
My girls never go into the coop until sundown. They complain the days I have to keep em locked in the run. If we're not going to be home to call them back into the yard they get bored and bother the neighbors so a day or two a week they only get a few hours of scratching and dust bathing.

Tonight will be the real deciding factor. Two new to flock leghorns have been locked in the run/coop for 2 days. We'll see if they head back in tonight or go to the tree they'd been using for two weeks.
My chickens like their coop. Its nothing fancy but they spend quite a bit of their free time inside when they aren't foraging around their yard. I think they feel safe from the crazy dogs and kids in there.

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