doe with broken leg


15 Years
Aug 10, 2009

so i was giving my does their daily treat, and they usually get all exited and start going nuts, but today one of them, went totally mad and i heard a little snap, so i pick her up to see whats wrong and her leg is dangling and the bone i broken about 5 cm from the hip, so my question is, what should i do? just leave it to heel?, cull? i posted this on backyardherds but got no reply, so i decided to try here

Call a vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... have her looked at...
the vet will know what to do.
Ouch.. the poor thing..
ok thanks,
i'll go to the vet tomorrow morning, its 22:02 here

are there any other things i can do for her, if the vet costs too much?
poor rabbit...


I dont know if rabbits can have any type of pain meds or not.... i dont think so though..
All you can do is keep her quiet and fed and watered for now....
If the vets to expensive and you cant afford it... you cant just leave her to be in pain and suffer...

Do you know how to cull a rabbit?
yes, i do know how to cull a rabbit,
but she was one of my favourites

i'd have to get my neighbour to do it, (he knows how to)
she is acting normall, just isnt walking on that leg....
We had a rabbit with a broken leg - the vet set it and wrapped it. Wasn't easy to keep the wrap clean and the whole affair was not inexpensive, but it was my DD's favorite bunny....She healed fine.
I'd set it and wrap it if you know how. Might be smart to have someone else hold maybe the neighbor, and set the leg, splint and wrap it up.
If you do try to set it SURE that its set correctly..(which i would imagine would be very hard to do without x-ray..)...
If it heals crooked or wrong..the doe will have pain in that leg her whole life or be crippled... so just be sure you know what your doing..
Sometimes it best to just put them down if you cant afford a vet... i know that i would... its the right thing to do for the animal so it dosent suffer.
Good luck!
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