does any one else do this?

key west chick

11 Years
May 31, 2008
Gainesville, GA
So I made a peanut butter sandwich for dinner. Pb on both sides of the bread, then I crunched up some doritoes and dumped it in between. DS is looking at me like I have 2 heads. Maybe to much Breakfast Club back in the 80's or anyone else do this with chips?
Boy, does this bring back the memories! When I was a kid (10-12 or so), my grandfather was the first person up each morning and I was the second. He always had pie and coffee for breakfast. I used to make peanutbutter sandwiches in the winter and potato salad ones in the summer--and always added a fistful of crunched up Lays potato chips to each one. Gramps is the only person I knew who didn't find this at all strange! In fact if anyone else in the household was awake at that hour, they would never allow me to make, let alone eat, my sandwiches!


I like chips/doritos on my meat sandwiches...
never had them on peanut butter though..
Yea, I am going with the hubby on this one. Even pregnant I don't think that would have stirred my appetite and I ate some weird stuff pregnant. But hey if you like it just eat it when he is not home. Thats what I do with my weird cravings.

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