Does anyone else have a CURSE on their flock?


chillin' with my peeps!
8 Years
Oct 3, 2015
I have what I think I will call the 'Porcelain Curse!'

It all started with the death of our favorite mille fleur d'Uccle, Dolly, around 6-7 years ago. We tried for years to get new mille fleurs, but long story short; they all either died or were roosters. We were finally able to get a mille fleur hen (who survived against all odds), but that's beside the point!
Since we were sick of dealing with roosters, we decided to buy from MPC since they sexed their bantams. In our order, we included one mille and one porcelain. The mille survived, but the porcelain was dead within 24 hours. This is where the 'porcelain' part of the curse comes in.
2 years later, and we buy from MPC again to retry our luck. We order a porcelain as well as one assorted bantam. When the box gets there, all chicks are alive and healthy. The assorted bantam is another mille, which is a bit annoying since we already had 2. But whatever, that's fine. The chicks are all looking good. One day I look at our porcelain, which we named Holly, and go 'uh-oh.' Because she is developing a scissor beak. This isn't even the first time we've gotten a scissor beak from MPC. UGH!! We finally put the poor thing out of its misery, but the stress of new introductions in the flock has caused another one of our hens to contract Marek's. We put that one down too.
I've been looking for ages trying to find an ADULT porcelain literally anywhere, but there are none to be found. Anyway, that's my curse.

Now tell me, have you ever had bad luck with a particular breed or type of chicken? Please share with us!!
Wow that is unfortunate! I had a curse with my Motted Javas. I had 16 chicks and lost four to coccidiosis, then a family member accidentally let our chicken-aggressive dog in with them, who killed all but four and of those four, one was left with leg problems and one was already a runt that was failing to thrive. The other two "healthy" ones dropped dead once they were laying or close to laying age, despite being examined by a vet before this. The runt also passed away and finally my one with the limp was the victim of a freak opossum attack and died. It was an extremely bad experience and made me incredibly paranoid to get chicks again, despite me raising up babies many times before :/ Luckily, two years later when I worked up the courage to try again, my new flock has been doing just fine :) Seemed to be the curse of the Javas, just like you had the curse of the porcelains
I am cursed getting too many males. I have come to the theory that males are more resistant. I've been buying eggs, delivered through the post, and on a few of them I've lost a considerable amount of eggs - the survivors - all males!
I had my heart set on getting a rare bantam I discovered and ordered some eggs. Got one to hatch, a male, ordered some more, all scrambled, ordered some more, all scrambled, ordered some more, these were terrible eggs hatching one chick that had to be culled.
Got sme replacements sent for one lot of eggs that never made it, the replacements never made it either.
I'd just about given up but decided to take a final gamble and luckily it paid off. Out of 4 hatchlings I got 1 female!

So that would make 1 female vs 4 males out of far too many eggs.

Everything is riding on this one female I have now 🙏
BRs one was killed by a predator, one died of sour crop, one died of egg binding, another has a bad leg from jumping the top vent. We only have two BR hens in good health. Never lost a RIR. All separate freak problems. Makes zero sense.
I have deemed this "the year of the Rooster" even though the boys have been in the majority since last year, it seems to apply to quail as well 😐

I managed to hatch 2 pullets out of 3 separate hatches and the first was ALL cockerels. I hatched 16 males and 3 females in one hatch of quail last fall. I finally gave up on incubating and bought sexed pullets, plus some straight run Silkies. All the Silkies were cockerels! So I incubated about 40 Silkie and Silkie EE mixes, I'm bound to get some pullets, right? This little mutt in the front is my favorite, so it's probably a Cockerel.

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