Does anyone else have a goose that gets upset when your ducks mate?

LOL I didn't think of Clark. Maybe I should go with Claude, he's a little clumsy. Poor guy.
LOL yes that will work too. I have a very clumsy gander too mainly because when he walks his head is held so high he can't see where he's walking.
That's what Leonardo does too, poor thing is always tripping over something. He is funny to watch!
They are better than any comedy show. I have seen Sam stepping into buckets even on the ducks when he thinks he might get a treat.
They are a hoot.
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They are aren't better than any comedy show.  I have seen Sam stepping into buckets even on the ducks  when he thinks he might get a treat.  :rolleyes:   They are a hoot.

I bought these as adults and they are wild. I wish I could've found some babies to raise but I still enjoy them and they warn the chickens when those nasty hawks show up, yesterday I had two flying around instead of one. Thank God they have lots of bushes, toys, etc. to run under for cover! They like sleeping under my car but they're usually hanging out next to the shop. I put a bunch of pallets there for a new coop or maybe now a duck house first???

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