Does anyone have only ONE breed?

I have just ordered more Dark Cornish. My others are dark cornish or dark cornish cross.

I like that they are good free rangers, occasionally broody, (self replacing) and dual purpose.
I would like a bantam breed added to the flock.
Not me lol. I have barred rocks, buff orpingtons, dominques, japanese bantams, bantam cochins, wyandottes, easter eggers, cochins, and a couple mixed breeds!
Just wondering if anyone only has one or even 2 breeds of chicken? Seems like most people have as many different breeds as they have space for. (Not "judging", I am all about everyone doing what THEY want to do!) I'm just curious is all. :)
We have speckled Sussex only 5 but there is 5 extra large brown eggs each and every day our girls will lay in time of season. Only twice in last 2 years had we to buy eggs

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