Does Anyone Have Wc Chocolate Polish In Standard Size?!!!!


16 Years
Feb 4, 2008
Archie, MO
I really would like to find someone out their that has some standard sized WC Chocolates or khakis... I can't be the only person trying to get this color into the larger size fowl!
I'm needing some eggs or chicks to help out with my bloodlines... If anyone knows anyone please tell me their USSERNAME... not there actual name but their ussername so I can find them to email them... PLEASE HELP!!!! Thanks
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just out of curiosty could you use a bantam w/c chocolate or khaki roo and put him over lf w/c black LF? Then take the largest chocolate roo from F1 and cross again to LF w/c black and keep doing this until desired size was acheived?
Yes. That is what I have done in my own Polish size project, but I'm looking for others who have more that I can buy so I can have a deverse genetic background. What I do is WC Choc Roo and WC Choc Cuckoo Roo bantams X WC black girls standards. And every year I keap the choc chicks that are the nicest Roos and breed to different WC black standards the next season. So does anyone have some larger than bantam WC Chocolate Roos or hens, or eggs, or chicks??? Thanks
Are you getting anywhere with the breeding on bigger sized Chocolate Polsih? I'd love to see pictures.
Jim Parker was working on them several years back, but he sold out. I don't know of anyone who kept them going that got them from him, but he used the same method you are using.
I really would like to find someone out their that has some standard sized WC Chocolates or khakis... I can't be the only person trying to get this color into the larger size fowl!
I'm needing some eggs or chicks to help out with my bloodlines... If anyone knows anyone please tell me their USSERNAME... not there actual name but their ussername so I can find them to email them... PLEASE HELP!!!! Thanks
These ae the ones that I'm asking.
Sorry, it didn't quote when I pushed it the first time.
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