About six weeks ago, my husband offfered to pick up two marans chicks for me on his day off. By the end of the day, he had collected the two marans, a welsummer, a silkie, a black austrolorp, a buff orpington and two day-old Iowa Blues! Yes, he is a bit of an impulse buyer.
The Iowa Blues have me puzzled as to their gender. They also stand out from the other breeds in the brooder because of their personalities. Is anyone else on the forum keeping this breed (well, I know that some do, because I have seen a few mentions of them) and are you willing to share some knowledge with me?
My two chicks are now about six weeks old. Chick #1 is very black (some white feathers at the edge of the wings) and quite assertive. I would say that "his" comb has developed more rapidly than his sibling's and is uniformly pink-grey at this point. (I'm guessing rooster here.)
Chick #2 developed more slowly, is less assertive (both are "flightier" than the marans & welsummer chicks) and began as a very dark chocolate brown. "She" (my guess) has become a dark grey to black, with speckle-patterned feathers coming in. "Her" comb has been slower to develop, but it is still more pronounced in comparison to the other breeds. It is grey-pink in color with blackish tips.
I do not know the genetic background of these two, although I may be able to find out some history about them from the breeder. I understand that Sand Hill is one of the best sources, but are there other good Iowa Blue flocks out there? If we have a roo and a hen here we may want to add to their little flock and I would like to make wise choices when/if we do buy more.
Yes, I know that photos would help! I will take some tomorrow and attempt to post them if I get any response here.
Thanks in advance... Amy
The Iowa Blues have me puzzled as to their gender. They also stand out from the other breeds in the brooder because of their personalities. Is anyone else on the forum keeping this breed (well, I know that some do, because I have seen a few mentions of them) and are you willing to share some knowledge with me?
My two chicks are now about six weeks old. Chick #1 is very black (some white feathers at the edge of the wings) and quite assertive. I would say that "his" comb has developed more rapidly than his sibling's and is uniformly pink-grey at this point. (I'm guessing rooster here.)
Chick #2 developed more slowly, is less assertive (both are "flightier" than the marans & welsummer chicks) and began as a very dark chocolate brown. "She" (my guess) has become a dark grey to black, with speckle-patterned feathers coming in. "Her" comb has been slower to develop, but it is still more pronounced in comparison to the other breeds. It is grey-pink in color with blackish tips.
I do not know the genetic background of these two, although I may be able to find out some history about them from the breeder. I understand that Sand Hill is one of the best sources, but are there other good Iowa Blue flocks out there? If we have a roo and a hen here we may want to add to their little flock and I would like to make wise choices when/if we do buy more.
Yes, I know that photos would help! I will take some tomorrow and attempt to post them if I get any response here.
Thanks in advance... Amy