Does anyone keep their eggs out on the kitchen counter?

I keep mine on the counter, usually all are eaten or sold with 2 weeks at most.
If really mucky, usually on rainy days, I wash under running water warmer than the egg and 'scrub' the whole surface with hands and fingers, towel/air dry and refrigerate.
Wow a lot of consistent information. I figured what grandma did never really went out as an old wives tale...I haven't washed my eggs even if they are dusty I just dry wipe like grandma
and pop them in the bowl.......on the counter they go just like the old days...thanx
mine are never refrigerated... although most never last more than a couple of weeks before they're eaten. my grand mother used to store extra eggs in a flour barrel... up to several months I'm told. I think the flour made for a more consistent temperature... but that's simply my guess.
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Depends how hot it is in your house, but they will easily keep a month in my house in summer on the bench. I don't refrigerate them at all. If they are getting old and you are concerned, put them in a jug of water and if they stay on the bottom, they are OK to eat. If they float, they are dodgy. I carefully crack those ones and if they smell OK I scramble them for the hens or cats or throw them out if they are bad.

I always cook older eggs thoroughly and keep the fresh ones to have fried or boiled with a soft yolk. There are also tips for keeping them by rubbing them in olive oil. In olden days they used to coat them in tallow wax. I would imagine dipping them in hot bees wax would also work....... being a beekeeper I have plenty of that. Must try it next time I'm melting some down!

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