does anyone know a way to make a hen broody????? HELP PLZ

I actually took someone's advice last week and started leaving eggs in the nests.

My little Silkie hen went broody within the week!

Of course, it coulda been a "coincidence."

I started leaving eggs when I wanted a hen to go broody... A little over a week later the worst thing ever happened. One broody... then two.. then three. And I have had at least one broody hen in one coop or another since then. Especially the ones I don't want broody have been broody!!!
send her to my house she'll go broody
We must have massive amounts of hormones floating around here. My australorp went broody in March, then 2 of the D"Anvers, now my Aussie is broody again setting on 10 eggs and yesterday my silver penciled cochin decides she wants babies. She is only 5 months old.

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