Does anyone know if Epsom salt compress can be used for a chick to help reduce swelling of abdomen?


Aug 5, 2019
I've considered just about everything as a possibility in what could be ailing this chick, but I really think her biggest problem is that she was very small and got beat up pretty badly. I don't know what her condition was prior to that, but she hasn't walked or stood in the 8 days I've had her until today!! She stood first thing this morning and walked and rested and walked more and on & on!
I think the head injury and damaged eye caused her inability to stand up and walk. Now she's recovered from both and I believe she is trying to regain her strength & balance. In sitting for 7 days her abdomen hurts and is puffy. It's looking better than it was yesterday. I could be wrong and it could certainly be something more serious. I thought it might be water belly for a while. Now I think it's more like a cellulitis type of problem from laying for the past week. Though I have been diligent about keeping her clean since I got her. Truth is, I don't know, but she's improving so I'm offering her all the help I can.
I wondered if perhaps an epsom salt compress might help reduce swelling and inflammation to the area as long as I keep her warm and then dry her right away? Does anyone know if that might work?
I would try to keep it to one thread since it is easier than having to go back and read your others about the came chick. Here it is for those who want to read the original thread:

Since she might chill, I would probably clean her bottom with weak betadine or chlorhexidene a couple of times a day. But if you do use Epsom salts, soak her bottom for 15 minutes, keeping her warm, and then dry her quickly. Are you giving her chicken vitamins that have riboflavin on the label?

You might also want to make her a chick chair, where she can be upright and in front of her food and water. Let her out often to run around or stretch. Here are some examples of homemade slings:
I would try to keep it to one thread since it is easier than having to go back and read your others about the came chick. Here it is for those who want to read the original thread:

Since she might chill, I would probably clean her bottom with weak betadine or chlorhexidene a couple of times a day. But if you do use Epsom salts, soak her bottom for 15 minutes, keeping her warm, and then dry her quickly. Are you giving her chicken vitamins that have riboflavin on the label?

You might also want to make her a chick chair, where she can be upright and in front of her food and water. Let her out often to run around or stretch. Here are some examples of homemade slings:

Thank you! Apologies for the separate thread. I'm new to the site & to handling any kind of emergency care for a chick. The poor dear was frightened and I'm sure, feeling terrible, with multiple issues. After a full week of round the clock care, we were both pretty overwhelmed and exhausted.
I'm using Nutridrench and that has definitely helped. Gradually she has improved and recovered! Of course she did lose her vision in the right eye and she's still growing some feathers that were pulled out, but she's standing and moving around. She is still pretty apprehensive about interacting with the other chicks, naturally. They don't seem to have any interest in her either.
She's able to get where she wants to be on her own now, but she is walking with her legs splayed. I wanted to give her the opportunity to regain her strength some first, but I will try to help her learn to walk correctly. We're going to start working on that tomorrow!


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Glad to hear that she is improved. I would treat the splay legs right away, and keep on with the vitamins. The sooner it is treated, them more success you will have. Sometimes a leg bone deformity or slipped tendon can look similar to splay leg. If you can find Poultry Cell, it has riboflavin that really helps legs in chickens. Vitamin B complex would be good instead. Here is some reading about splay legs treatment:

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