Does anyone know what breed these Pigeons are?


9 Years
Oct 29, 2010
Chickamauga GA

I started out with a pair of these and then one baby and now 2 more babies so I now have a family of 5 and not sure what kind they are. I bought them as Arcangels but then was told "no, not that that kind", and I have been told several diferent breeds since. The most recent person said they looked liked Saints. Does anyone know? They are mostly white, a couple has some brown spots, feathered legs and a crest, I guess you would call it around the head. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
looks like Capuchines to me...pretty birds!
Someone had said that before then someone else said that Capuchines don't have feathered legs. Some one said I might have a cross of some sort. I don't have a clue,
but they are pretty. Thanks!!!!
i hadnt noticed the leg feathering.
you should check out the encyclopedia of pigeons. it has a list of breeds and LOTS of photos
breeds that were a possible are the Giant Hungarian House pigeon and English Trumpeter
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Probably a cross, but they are pretty birds. I too think they look like capuchines, but your right, capuchines don't have feathered feet. They may fit in with some breed I'm not familiar with, though. And there are over 600!!

I started out with a pair of these and then one baby and now 2 more babies so I now have a family of 5 and not sure what kind they are. I bought them as Arcangels but then was told "no, not that that kind", and I have been told several diferent breeds since. The most recent person said they looked liked Saints. Does anyone know? They are mostly white, a couple has some brown spots, feathered legs and a crest, I guess you would call it around the head. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
go to
then go to their for sale and adoption fancy pigeons that was posted sept 12,12 ...color's different but this may be your breed....sorry... last bird pictured in the post
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go to
then go to their for sale and adoption fancy pigeons that was posted sept 12,12 ...color's different but this may be your breed....sorry... last bird pictured in the post
i asked what the ones that look like your were and was told they're "High Flyers"
I agree mostly saints. There are alot of people who cross breeds for project reasons (Indian fantasy breeders use saints or mabe someone was outcrossing jacobin into their saints to improve them) and then they sell the crosses when they are done. Although they could be pure saints with poor muffs(feathers on the feet). The best way to know is to compare them to a saint in person...but thats not easy since they are so rare. I had some years ago but never could get any fertil eggs. Another reason why some outcross, to improve fertility.

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