Does anyone know where I can get Blue hens?


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 13, 2007
Troy, MO
I absolutely LOVE the blue color that I see with orpingtions and other chickens. McMurry doesn't really sell blue anything. And I would only be interested in one or two hens (not roos). Does anyone sell hatching eggs, chicks or grown chickens in the blue color or know where I can get some? Oh, and I live in Missouri so they would need to be shipped. It doesn't have to be orpingtons. It could be a different kind. Thanks.
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I am thinking about getting rid of her. I have to narrow down the flock by a few to make room for the pullets in the brooder. Anyway, she is a pure Ameraucana that came from a breeder in Texas. I've never shipped a bird before, so I don't know if it is worth it or something you would consider. I see you are in MO, and I am in MI.

I have a blue Easter Egger, and a blue chick of unknown parentage. More than likely, it is related to the blue hen! Anyway, I am thinning down my flock, and would be glad to sell them to you. I am in SE Kansas. Email me if you are interested.


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