Does anyone know.....


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 8, 2008
Got 4 chickens, one lays almost everyday , two are still young , the other one was laying at previous home . How long does it take for the chickens to get adapted to new home to start laying again? I have had them for a week now
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I've had some new black hens for 4 to 6 weeks now and they are just now starting to lay sporatically.

You have to remember, the heat from the summer slowed down their laying, tis the season for molting which also slows them down, and the stress wont ease overnight.
Well I feel lucky then to be getting any!!!!!
I go out and check about three times a day and am thrilled when the Golden Sexlink has laid one. I only have three eggs for Sunday breakfast. There were 4 but I couldn't resist:D

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