Does anyone let their chickens sleep outside?

They are mottled Java's. (And "rain"? I'm not familiar with this word. LOL I live in the high desert. We had 7 inches precipitation in all of 2020. (Jan 1 to Dec 31.) But I do plan on roofing at least part of the run area, mostly for shade and to keep at least part of it snow free in the winter.
"Snow"? I'm not familiar with THAT word, haha.
I do plan on roofing at least part of the run area, mostly for shade and to keep at least part of it snow free in the winter.
I suggest covering the entire top with something, so no predators can climb in over the fence during the night. They might think chickens sitting on perches are tempting enough to be worth the effort.

The holes in that run look fairly large, so you should probably make sure the perches are well away from the sides of the pen so nothing reaches a paw in and grabs a sleeping chicken (I see too many stories of raccoons doing that, and I don't know what other animals might try the same trick).
I suggest covering the entire top with something, so no predators can climb in over the fence during the night. They might think chickens sitting on perches are tempting enough to be worth the effort.

The holes in that run look fairly large, so you should probably make sure the perches are well away from the sides of the pen so nothing reaches a paw in and grabs a sleeping chicken (I see too many stories of raccoons doing that, and I don't know what other animals might try the same trick).
It does have a covering over the top. (But will be putting up a metal roof over part of it.) Holes are 2x4 I believe. But coyotes don't reach in. We don't have raccoons here. That said, I will also have something attached to the panels where the roosts are. Just not decided on exactly what yet. But it will need something to block some or all of the wind.
Don't tempt fate with that statement. Look at what happened to Texas.
This is west texas where summers easily get into the 120s. We were -11 during this apocalypse


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My 2 year old easter egger sleeps outside 300+ nights a the heat, snow, rain, wind..all kinds of unpredictable NJ weather...i was putting her in every night and got worried at first but then stopped because she obviously prefers it..she seems happy, constant layer, and possibly top bird in the pecking order...
**My run is ultra secure and the roost she uses is under a metal roof and about 6ft off the ground.
My coop/main run are all one structure and very secure - hardware cloth walls, skirt and under the floor, metal roof. Once I installed some roost bars out in the run for the chickens to hang out on during the day, many of them started favoring it as their sleeping spot - I think only like 2 chickens sleep inside anymore. I don't have a problem with it really, other than now their night-time poop isn't depositing the bedding system where I intended it to be. Doesn't smell, so meh

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