Does anyone mix bantam breeds with larger breeds?


5 Years
Mar 18, 2014
East Sussex , England
This is an option I am new to as I used to be unsure about the idea but I now mix my bantams with my larger bird breeds. It all started when I left the gate open accidentally between both runs and the birds mixed I noticed my mistake 10 minutes after as I was feeding my ducks next to the two runs. I came back and was so surprised to find that they were eating together and dust bathing. No quaraling at all :). Now they have been socialising with each other for about a couple of months although still sleep in separate houses as of yet. What surprised me the most is the bantams aren't at the bottom of the pecking order although they are fiesty little things and do have the personality of a lion :lol:.

Anyway I wondered if anyone else also mixes there breeds?

Here are some of mine mixing:


Quote: Cool! Pretty soon I might have 1 other LF. The Silkie and three other LF are 19.5 weeks old and then I have two 10.5 week old chicks. (one of the 10 weeks old chicks is a roo so I didn't include him. I have to trade him for a different chick that's actually a pullet.
I have a little bit of everything! Autralorp, Autrawhite, Buff, Leghorn, Cochin, Serama, Silkie, to name a few! Young and old, hen and roo....they all live quite contently together with my Pekins and Khaki Campbell ducks!!!
I say if they're getting along, then GREAT!!
My little bantam hens can stand off large fowl hens and half grown cockerels no problem, especially if they have chicks. But, the bantam hens and the large fowl roosters just don't work, around here anyway. My rooster's just too large and the hens look too stressed, so I keep them apart.
My 4 Wyandotte bantams are running with 34 LF and the LF rooster with no problems! Not sure if their eggs are fertile though as they aren't laying due to being quite young still (18 weeks).

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