Does anyone own a hog nose snake?

Well you'll just have to get one of my future babies then!

My house is like always 70 degrees! But with the fridge, will they get enough air in there? I could like, get one of those mini fridges, set i at 50 degrees, and somehow make a hole in it for airflow maybe... though drilling through that might be impossible... Arg so difficult!
Likewise buddy, haha!

That totally sucks! I know others have brumated in the fridge, Im sure you could figure it out. Someone has to know how to drill into a fridge without dying of electrocution! LOL. I know I've seen them on but for some reason I cant access the forums! Are you getting your hoggies at the next show?
I have four hognose, They eat the small adult mice, that i cull out of my mouse colony, The bigger go to my favorite greygands, tri-colors, and very different colored corns, I have never had too feed them anything different, they breed every year, "it is way cool". 4 of all the hatchlings that I have had would not eat pinkies, I washed them and dipped them in tuna juice.."works really!"

I am new to this, how do you get your animals to show up at the bottom of the page every time?
1- lupine-female- inderterminate breed, i'm guessing "old'
12- feline - american? again indeterminate breed
7 -equine- Arabian, "one regected baby, SUPRISE"
32-equine- of the wonderfull mini-donk persuasion
23 -amerucana
10 - red bourbon
12 - blue slate
12- canadian (to clarify, these are not really mine, they just like my pond.)
5- bearded dragons- 2 translucent clear nail
2-tri-colors "my babies"
4- hoggies "my babies"
132- breeding females corns
49 - breeding males corns
An unbelievable amount of babies (jena, you thought that I had jumped into the deep end, you really nailed it on the head!!!!!
So you haven't had to brumate your hogs to have babies? I hear you don't HAVE to but that it really increases the amount they produce, westerns can have up to like 30 eggs/babies! But if it's too difficult for me to brumate, I may just try without it...

To get that at the bottom of your post click on Profile near the top of the page, then click on Personality on the left, and there's a section for your signature.

Jordan - if they have a reasonably priced pair at the show at the Cow Palace on Saturday, then heck yeah I'm gonna get them! I'd even be happy with just normal hogs, though Albino would be great. I just don't really want to spend the money on albinos, the normals are pretty enough.
Hey! Oh yeah, there's a show this weekend! I'll be camping, haha. Yeah, the normals are awesome. The albinos are ridiculously priced, haha. I hope you can find a pair. A young pair of normals shouldn't be too expensive. Good luck buddy! Chester still hasn't laid, btw.

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