Does Anyone sell sexed silkies?


11 Years
Jul 30, 2008
I desperately want a silkie pullet (I can't have roos) but don't want to go through the trouble of brooding a few straight runs and then rehoming roos. I would gladly buy a started pullet or hen but I'm terrified of diseases. (I know that sexing isn't 100% accurate but I'd be willing to take the smaller risk for a better chance of getting a pullet)

Any advice? Or does anyone know where I can find sexed silkies?
Where are you located please? :<)
I am in the midst of rehoming some and might be able to accomodate you. I can't have roos either so know your pain.
I know you can't have roos, but I have some silkie cockerels who are the quietest chickens in the world. I've had only one of them crow and it was sooo quiet that it didn't sound like a crow at all.
Eventually they will crow and my neighbors won't appreciate it! I also have limited space (backyard 2 small coops with decent sized run in between) and I was originally attracted to chooks for their eggs...

If you have a roo or cockerel that doesn't and never will crow, will go broody and lay me some eggs every now and then I'd be happy to give it a home.

*sigh* If only I had some land...and lived out in the country...
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Hey Tubby, I have some 2 1/2 month olds that you could come and take your chances on picking out a pullet. I'm live just north of lexington.

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