Does anyone use a CPAP? Opinions please

Dueling cpaps here. DH (overweight) and I (too narrow airways, jaw). The test showed I stop breathing about every two minutes. I don't ever remember a good nights sleep. Have had the machine (bipap) a year and a half; am up now at 1am because I STILL can't get it to stay on, tried over half a dozen masks and three machines. The worst is the cold blast of air down the back of my neck or in my ear from DH's mask. Or when its whistling like a harmonica.

The sleep habits are important. I doing better (not good yet, but better) now that I quit caffeine AGAIN. Trying for the other - regular bedtimes, booting the cat out, etc.

I should get off the computer and go back to bed - just one more post....
I have been on one for six years and now finding it ineffective and considering the decision not to use it and deal with the issues. I have a number of friends who use it and are not always happy and a number who gave it up and are doing okay. The machine a issue with any travel, the companies keep making it harder to deal with and at this point I am reviewing what other choices are out there or may removed my self and deal with the the equality of life with the quantity of life. I do have the iron over load issue witch is common with this issue and diabetes. Which at 66 I became Type one. Time to choose, the second one has been easier than the first one. Read all out can.....Good luck
Ok, I admit it, I'm one of those people who doesn't use mine. I've had it for 10 years and have tried and tried and tried again to use it. I know the thing makes me feel so much better. And with my heart condition it is almost REQUIRED, but can't seem to get through a night with it on. I have about 6 different masks. Like someone said, no mask is perfect.

My biggest problem is something that happen to me when I was 16 years old. I was attacked while I was sleeping. The person put they hand over my nose and mouth. I haven't slept soundly since. The slighest noise and I'm awake, heart pounding. You can just imagine what it was like to wake to find this "thing" covering my nose and mouth. Can you say, flashbacks?

Have you tried any of the masks that only go in your nose/don't cover your face? I can't use them as I'm a mouth breather...but it would be worth a try! :)
I have been using a CPAP for about a year. It most definitely makes a difference in how I feel! I couldn't believe the fog I had been walking around in and just how exhausted I truly was until I started using my CPAP and got a full restful night of sleep. For me it was all about making up my mind that I needed it and quitting was not an option. I have claustrophobia so the first two days weren't easy...but getting the settings correct and the right mask makes a difference! My advice is to remember that if you don't have your health you have nothing. There is also a forum ( that has a lot of information and people who are willing to help with issues and questions...just like here! Good luck with your therapy!

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