does anyone want to learn more about house plants?

Jun 9, 2021
Hello fellow chicken lovers,
I was wondering if any of you would want to learn more about how to take care of houseplants such as... how to fight pests, how to water different kinds of plants, how to prevent pests, and so on and so forth. I have been in to house plants for a while now so I have gathered lots of knowledge along the way!

I you have interest great! if not then just let me know!
Can you help me keep my Lemon Verbena alive over winter in Zone 5b? I managed to get nearly everything but thru this winter with grow lights and TLC, but it got infested with several pests that I didn't catch until too late. I babied that beautiful plant, policed the pests daily and even sweet talked it, but to no avail. It gave up the fight around the spring equinox (why?!?!? We were so close!) But I fully intend to try again this year with a new plant. I also lost my rosemary, olive tree and eucalyptus. :hitBut of the 48 indoor plants I grew, that was all the casualties. It just so happened that they were also special favorites of mine.😔

Every year I try to overwinter a rosemary. Every year I fail. Its either too much water, or not enough, too little light, too much heartfelt desire to have fresh rosemary available year round in a cold climate. I tried keeping it outdoors in various locations because everyone says it 'should' survive. It doesn't. There is no magical formula to keep a rosemary out on our property thru winter, no matter what the books say. I tried for years in different locales and variables. So, indoors is the only way... I just can't figure out the goldilocks formula. Yet. Any sage advice is welcome!
Hello fellow chicken lovers,
I was wondering if any of you would want to learn more about how to take care of houseplants such as... how to fight pests, how to water different kinds of plants, how to prevent pests, and so on and so forth. I have been in to house plants for a while now so I have gathered lots of knowledge along the way!

I you have interest great! if not then just let me know!
You can sign me up as someone interested. My hobbies include gardening and bonsai. House plants too.
Can you help me keep my Lemon Verbena alive over winter in Zone 5b? I managed to get nearly everything but thru this winter with grow lights and TLC, but it got infested with several pests that I didn't catch until too late. I babied that beautiful plant, policed the pests daily and even sweet talked it, but to no avail. It gave up the fight around the spring equinox (why?!?!? We were so close!) But I fully intend to try again this year with a new plant. I also lost my rosemary, olive tree and eucalyptus. :hitBut of the 48 indoor plants I grew, that was all the casualties. It just so happened that they were also special favorites of mine.😔

Every year I try to overwinter a rosemary. Every year I fail. Its either too much water, or not enough, too little light, too much heartfelt desire to have fresh rosemary available year round in a cold climate. I tried keeping it outdoors in various locations because everyone says it 'should' survive. It doesn't. There is no magical formula to keep a rosemary out on our property thru winter, no matter what the books say. I tried for years in different locales and variables. So, indoors is the only way... I just can't figure out the goldilocks formula. Yet. Any sage advice is welcome!
I am in zone 5b as well and it seems rosemary and other herbs always dies in the winter. are you aware of what kind of pest it was?
I’ll follow along with this thread. Thanks for starting it!

I’ve almost always had some houseplants. About 10 years ago I got sick of watering them, so I gave away what I had left. I did not miss them one bit! 😊

Last Mother’s Day, my 30 year old daughter was visiting and she wanted to run out to a local house plant specialty store.(She is big into plants and is on all kinds of Facebook groups for them.) I went with her and I came back with one little plant in a 2 inch pot. Well that was 11 months ago. Guess how many houseplants I have now!! :barnie

And I too have a gnat problem because I brought some plants in last fall to overwinter. Big mistake. I’m never doing that again. From now on, any garden plants I have outside are being treated as annuals.
I would like more information about this;

I'm like; WHAT? um, that's probably a reason to NOT have this plant anywhere!
I am pretty good at keeping my houseplants alive because my mom taught me how to tell if a plant is "happy." If its not, I move it. This trick has worked so far except for succulents. I can never tell if they're happy. I also have some kind of loe-water, fast growing African plant that has been decidely unhappy for almost a year so I put it in a sunny window and stopped watering it. It is less depressed now but still not thriving. Any tips?
I would like more information about this; View attachment 3152461
I'm like; WHAT? um, that's probably a reason to NOT have this plant anywhere!
Alot of houseplants are toxic, it's probably easier to make a list of non-toxic houseplants lol honestly most animals won't eat enough to hurt themselves. I had a cat eat part of a syngonium which is toxic and the same cat ate an alocasia which I'm pretty sure is toxic lol she's fine

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