Does anything else have same symptoms as egg binding?


10 Years
Nov 15, 2009
Albany, OR
I have a BR hen that stands like she is eggbound, but I have given her the whole spa treatment, and it hasn't helped. Plus, I don't feel an egg in there. Her abdomen seems swollen, but it's soft. Also, I don't think she had started laying again, yet.
Right now, she is in a kennel crate in a heated room with visitation rights from her best bud. She eats/drinks, although, I don't think she is eating as much as I would like to see...but she obviously doesn't feel right.

Any suggestions? Anything good to try besides warm baths?

She may have started laying internally. You can do a 'search' on that term & hopefully info from others' experience will be enough to diagnose your hen.
Best wishes!

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