Does egg size change with age?


11 Years
Oct 23, 2008
Eastern Shore of Maryland
Hi all -

I'm hoping that you can help me with a question...

I have nine Norwegian Jaerhons that have started giving me eggs - wonderful breakfast over the weekend!!! The question is this...I read that the NJs are supposed to lay large white eggs. The ones that I'm getting are smaller than the medium store-boughts. Is that because they're just starting out? Will the eggs get larger as the girls become more proficient at laying?


BTW - so far, out of 17 eggs gathered, four have been double-yolkers! (At least one of my girls is an overachiever!!!!!!!!)
Wondering the same thing. Hens have been laying for about 2 weeks, and the eggs seem smaller than store bought.
Yes. In my experience the first few weeks/months of laying, the eggs are usually smaller and do get bigger the longer they lay (depending on breed). Double yolkers are more common in new layers as well, and as the hens get older you're less likely to get a double yolked egg.
I would think 7-9 initially once they get going. We are getting 10-11 daily with 12 hens. I expect it to drop off to 8 based on the 2 eggs per 3 hens I had read in the info section.
The eggs do get bigger the longer they lay. 'Prime' age for egg-size is about 1-2 years, before this they are considered 'pullet' eggs, and can be smaller than normal. After this the eggs are bigger than they should be. All chickens lay smaller-than-normal eggs when they first start laying.
They do get larger as the bird ages. Also, I have noticed that when they stop laying during the molt, when they start back, many times, their eggs are smaller than previously and they have to get back up to speed again.

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