Does every flock have a complainer?

We have a couple of particularly noisy hens. One is an Australorp named Karla after one of my sister-in-laws. She's so loud sometimes I actually yell "SHUT UP!" ;-) Another is a Wyandotte that sounds like a laughing hyena. Won't have to listen to that one much longer. Our Wyandottes have aged out of laying, and are headed for freezer camp shortly. I don't like the breed and won't ever have them again. They're pretty, but that is about it. They are our only hens that aren't at all friendly (not even when we have treats!).
I have 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes and they are all such complainers. As such, I named them after cartoon villains: Cruella DeVille, Ursula, and Maleficent. It used to make me so angry because they would escape and I'd have to chase them to get them back to the run, and I'd be scaring them out of the bushes with a rake, shouting and cursing and waving a rake like Mr McGregor in the Peter Rabbit story. Then I named them, and now it's not so bad. When I shout, "Cruella DeVille, you get back here or I'll EAT YOU UP!" I feel a lot better and it reminds me to be amused and not angry.

Even though they are almost ready to lay, they still think they are little chicks and try to crowd into one nest box at night. I go after it's dark and put them on the roost and they scream and complain and play "I have no muscles" and fall off the bar and act like they're incapable of hanging on. I see them roost in our rhododendrons all day long so I know they're able, they are just being stubborn little jerks.

Here is Cruella. Ursula looks just like her, so Cruella has a leg-band so I can identify her. Usually she is so naughty I know it's her anyway, though. Ursula is the best behaved of the 3. Maleficent has a lot of white and not much lacing. She's still very pretty though.

PS. I keep seeing GSL and BSL mentioned in here but I can't figure out what breed/coloration that is supposed to stand for. Help me out please? Sex-link is all I can come up with but GSL? Gold? I've never heard of a gold sex-link so I think I might be wrong.
I go after it's dark and put them on the roost and they scream and complain and play "I have no muscles" and fall off the bar and act like they're incapable of hanging on.
Very funny little group you have there. Love the names for them too.
I think every flock has a complainer. Mine was a sweet tempered wyandotte. Sweet, that is, to the humans. She was an evil witch to the hens. So we called her witch and she would complain about just about everything. She complained that the grapes were hogged by the other hens but when I specifically offered it to her she wouldn't accept it. She complained about the weather, the other hens, the grass, the food, the treats, just about everything. She was a whiner as well. The only time she did not complain was when I would give her a cold bath to help with the heat. She was really calm and actually enjoyed it.
I have my share of special ones and complainers, in the mornings and the rest of the day I have a special silkie called Darla who squeals in delight whenever she sees me, she let's everyone know I've been spotted , she and the other top girls do their matriarch duty and keep everyone in check. When someone does their egg song everyone joins in to congratulate, to the point where you cannot tell who actually laid the egg since everyone is singing and cackling . when the baby bath is full you should hear the screaming that ensues from my frizzle she screams bloody murder until someone gets out
Yup we have the anouncer of everything too. Good thing too, one of our goats got loose, she was really bawk bawk bawk bagock! he's gonna get in our coop. Way to funny.
Love this thread. Now I can complain about my complainer!
Rita my blue Ameraucana.........she does these long drawn out squawks. They get highest pitches right in the middle and reach shrieking volume and pitch. Enough to break a glass! Something like BAWAHHHHHHHHAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEK!

She also has this irritating raspy squawk that she blesses me with for any random reason.
She is very sweet though and is the only girl that will hang out with my newby Speckled Sussex.
She is also starting to let me pet her and lays beautiful blue eggs!

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