Does every flock have a complainer?

Storm is my best complainer. Even as I write this she is going on like she is being strangled or something. Her personal favorite things to complain about include; The food, the location of her friends, the neighbours dogs, the rabbit and sometimes nothing at all
Are you kidding? With Gertrude, EVERYTHING is a story! LOL

Good example: The recent addition to our little flock resulted in a shortage of roosting space in the coop. Today I took out the two existing poles and put in three longer ones at a different angle. Voila! Room for everyone with space to spare. Good right? Well...

Gertrude's nightly routine consists of being the first inside and then acting as the coop bouncer. She lets the others in as she sees fit. The 4 younger girls are always last and get the let over ledges or the straw on the coop floor. Tonight Gertrude was so discombobulated by the new roost poles that she lost it. She ran back and forth across the coop cackling and squawking at the top of her little chicken lungs. (This was shortly after 8:30 EDT, mind you.) The other hens rushed to her side and also became flustered. Meanwhile, the roo and 4 youngsters hopped inside and onto the new roost poles and got comfy.

When I left the coop a few minutes ago, only 1 of the 5 hens had roosted. More than an hour after her tirade started - Gertrude was still standing in the door of the coop cackling and fussing while 3 other hens stood around waiting for her issue orders. These are the times I'm so glad we don't have close neighbors!

Thanks for the morning chuckle Chiquey.
Complaining aside, Gertrude is such a pretty girl!
Awwwww. So sweet!
I did the same thing with my first batch - let them back in once when it was 104* F and now they hover at the door, waiting for the inside nap time or the chance the door isn't latched and they can sneak in to see what the cat has left in her bowl.

Thank you, Miss Peanut is my heart. I can't say that I blame your chickens! LOL
I thought in my small group they were just nuts...they would run in circles then away from me squawking like I had a pot ready for them...slowly they are getting better. Won't come up to me, but at least will follow behind me when I let them out. FINALLY have made the connection between me & food.
We have 5 complainers 2 of them are Welsummer hens named Velma and Spurs when somethings not right Spurs walks up to us and tells us. Velma makes a louder sound "Bok Bok Bawk bak Baak" 1 of our other complainers is a Black Australorp named Lavender she gives us the buiness "Bak BAK bak bak bak" and our 4th complainer is a Red Jungle fowl named Russel when there a hawk or something he doesn't like he makes a "Roll Rolllll rahhh rolll" Also theirs Pecan she's an Americana Poulet who has a scissor beak and so we have to feed her baby food because she can't eat the regular food it's to big for her. We have a food bowl for her and if it's empty she'll make a whining sound and jump our shoulders and head and follow us around if we don't refill her food bowl. It has to be Flock Dynamics
My Black Star hen that I call little Onyx(She and another hen are the youngsters),has a Very distinctive voice she Always talks Very Loudly!!She's a very dominant hen,full of spunk and vinegar,and very clingy to people!
she will go out of her way to talk to you,by coming over and screaming out her day,she never runs out of ideas it seems!
I LOVE this hen!!
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I have a bantam roo that complains all the time. I put some grass in the coop he hogs it up and yells to the other chickens" its mine! " he is the meanest thing on earth. one day I was checking for eggs add he ran up to me and scratched me up with his spurs.
ouch! he got out of the coop and did a chicken dance. he's a pain in the butt.
My silver Wyandotte loves to constantly grumble under her breath, and louder, about anything. She wasn't bad until I got rid of the rooster. Guess she had to make sure somebody was loud and grouchy, since that was roosters disposition. 14 hens and only a couple complainers.

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