Does every flock have a complainer?

I haven't noticed a complainer yet; I am sure with 64 chicken there will be one eventually though. These stories are a lot of fun to read, I especially liked the story of Gertrude loosing her mind over the extra roosting space. LOL
This is my very loud complainer she yells Help all the time When she lays a egg when you take her egg When the rooster mates her when you open the coop door when you pick her up.Then when she is out of the coop she will run up to me real fast looks like she is holding her skirt up like the cartoons yelling help like she is tattling on the other hens yelling at times I think there is a intruder in the coop The way she yells is so funny. The first time my daughter heard it she thought she was being killed she is so loud . Her yelling

is louder than the rooster crowing . Of course I named her HELP I bet at times the neighbors thinks I am killing her . One day she snuck up behind the cat and started yelling and the cat jumped out of his fur it was so funny it would of made the funniest video. the looks on the cat's face was hilarious . Bet I laughed for a hour.
One day she snuck up behind the cat and started yelling and the cat jumped out of his fur it was so funny it would of made the funniest video. the looks on the cat's face was hilarious . Bet I laughed for a hour.
I just now had to wipe my drink off my computer screen!
I have a bronze-tipped Wyandotte rooster who at 20 weeks I found in the corner huddling down terrified and half dead from the other 12 roosters dominating him and abusing him. I took him out and put him in my barn aisle. That was last fall.

Now he has his own little harem and treats them well, but he likes to go to a nesting area and do the "I've laid and egg!" sounds. If I don't feed his little group first, he runs up behind me and taps me to let me know I've forgotten. Roo likes to pretend he is idly following, but he really likes people to run so he can do a full chase. His hens include two bantams that he is never seen without. I tell everyone he is my 'cock in the walk.'
How strange it is that we'd have EE's with similar personalities who also look alike! Carabear133 has a Daphne clone, and would you look at these pictures of Gladys (gold) and Agatha? Oh, they are the bottom set of pictures in case someone thinks they're seeing double! Agatha and Gladys strutting their stuff. Agatha the Diva, She's no less pushy than Daphne - just less vocal about it. She was younger in this shot, taken in May I think. And Gladys, taken earlier this week.... Ain't that wild?
Yes they look like they could have been sister. I am sorry you lost them I don't know what I would do with out them. They help me get threw my bad days. Dianne
Our smallest, the bottom of the pecking order and my personal fav Buff Orp, Peanut, WHINES constantly when I am in the run or just when she can see me. When I noticed a few weeks ago that she was getting picked on (sorting out the pecking order and the others would not let her eat) I would take her out of the run and bring her inside with me for about 30 minutes for a treat and some special attention. I think I have created a monster because I think she wants to be a house chicken now! And if there were some way to make her a house chicken I would.


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