Does every flock have a complainer?

Yes they look like they could have been sister. I am sorry you lost them I don't know what I would do with out them. They help me get threw my bad days.
Oh, I haven't lost them..they're alive and well and getting close to laying now.

I'm loving this thread - such funny stories and it's fun to see the pictures of the chickens who rule the roost, even if they just THINK they do.
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Yep! Our Whiney-hiney is MOCHA, our Rhode Island Red! She complains when I open the man door to the house, when I don't open the man door, when she sees us in the yard, whencer stand at the back door, when she's free ranging, when she's awake!!!!!! No pleasing that woman but she was our first layer and the most consistent of the entire flock. Glad to know it's not just her
I have about 3 out of 14 chickens that seem to complain about everything! First is Speckles, my Silver Laced Wyandotte hen. She is always the first to bed (we keep her and one rooster in with the ducks, because they will both attack the baby chicks my other hens sleep with.) We have to have a cage in the duck shed for the duckling, and that's where she always sleeps, every single night. Around 8pm is when she goes to bed, and we put the rest away 30 minutes later. She will squawk and squawk until everyone is in the house! And whenever we try to move or fix the cage, she will SCREAM at us until we are done!

The other is Blu, my Production Red.. She is such a sweetheat, my favorite hen, but she is so LOUD! Just for no reason she will start screaming her head off. Another example is whenever I have her in the house- she likes to sleep inside sometimes, and the next day when I let her out, she doesn't stop screaming until EVERYONE knows where she has been!

Breakfast Princess, a Black Australorp, is another. She follows me around all the time just yelling and yelling for no reason! Even after I give them treats she follows me screaming.
This is my Bantam Langshan 'Dusty' aka 'Dusty-Dustbin' .. she is 2IC in a flock of 5 ladies and she is constantly whinging to the point I am always asking her "what are you going on about now?" She has never made any normal bok, bok, bok chicken noises; she has this unique whinge which is a cross between a cow in labour and a crying baby .. or, sticking with the evolutionary scale, a baby dinosaur! :lau "I want to free range!"; "I want to be in the coop!", "I want breakfast!", "I want a different breakfast!", "She is too close to me!", "Where is everyone?!", "That is my nest box! and that one, and that one ...!", "She stole my bug!" "PAY ATTENTION TO ME!" Hhhm, to try and spell out the noise she makes, I would have to go with something along the lines of "mwaaaaark, mwaarrk" :idunno Edited to add: "Mine, mine, mine .. it's mine I tell you!" (Dusty is on the bottom, she is not laying an egg but apparently, no-one else is allowed to either)
I swear my BA look just like yours!! I've always wondered if they were really Aussies.....Anyway 1 of my Aussies is making the same noise as yours!! Lol. A cross between a cow, dinosaur, and dog!! Haha I swear this morning Henrietta growled at a tractor in the distance!! She is getting fussy and the noises she makes are NOT like the sounds the other girls make.... Even different from my Wellie, Beatrice the complainer!!
Ok, is it just my flock or does every flock have a complainer?

We have a 4 year old GSL hen that seems to complain about just about anything :)  We call her Claudette the Complainer.

It's too hot...It's too cold...It's raining...It's windy..Someone is in a nest box ( any nest box - doesn't matter that she hasn't laid an egg in over a year).. the grass in the other "chicken yard" looks greener than this one...I wanted kale today - not spinach...:smack  Been like this since she was only a few weeks old.

It's not all day complaining or even every day for that matter - although Sunday morning when my neighborhood feels like one of those horror movies where you are the only human left on earth... it sure seems louder than normal :oops:   She has a pretty spoiled urban chicken lifestyle with 3 other hens that she was raised with. And she is a sweet tempered girl - middle of the pecking order and never any issues with picking on or getting picked on by the others.

Just trying to figure out if every flock has one or if we are one of the "lucky" few to have a resident complainer :p  

I'd say "middle child syndrome". Glad I'm not the only one. Lol!!!
I have a barred rock girl who is always complaining and crying! She starts complaining immediately any time she's put back in the coop, while the others are content to eat and drink. She's also the first to come running whenever I have treats, all the while panicking like she can't get there fast enough, lol. Her life is great but she doesn't know it.
Boy do I have complainers! Shim and Kitiara sleep with me at night. I toss and turn a lot. This wakes them and I get angrily chirped at; if I'm too restless I get a low growl. I didn't know chickens would growl until I heard Kitiara growling at Roland (bearded dragon) for eating out of her food dish.
too hot, waiting to get in and stand in front of the air vent.

My house chickens are VERY spoiled. They will not go outside unless it is perfect chicken weather. They will stand at the door pacing and complaining but will not go out.
Oh, I haven't lost them..they're alive and well and getting close to laying now.  

I'm loving this thread - such funny stories and it's fun to see the pictures of the chickens who rule the roost, even if they just THINK they do.

I am soo sorry I miss read it. I know some of the stories just kill me and only people who've chickens can relate my doctor thinks I have lost my mind yesterday when I was telling him that I think I might have another roo and he knows I have to rehome him that why she/he runs away from me all the time he said now your chickens are talking to you Let's just I didn't say anything I just laugh. I didn't want the men in the white coats coming to take me away lol

Our smallest, the bottom of the pecking order and my personal fav Buff Orp, Peanut, WHINES constantly when I am in the run or just when she can see me. When I noticed a few weeks ago that she was getting picked on (sorting out the pecking order and the others would not let her eat) I would take her out of the run and bring her inside with me for about 30 minutes for a treat and some special attention. I think I have created a monster because I think she wants to be a house chicken now! And if there were some way to make her a house chicken I would. :D
Awwwww. So sweet! I did the same thing with my first batch - let them back in once when it was 104* F and now they hover at the door, waiting for the inside nap time or the chance the door isn't latched and they can sneak in to see what the cat has left in her bowl.
Yep, mine is Little Peep, one of my two mottled bantam cochins. Right now she's whining about being put in the broody breaker...

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