Does free range delay egg laying?


Apr 4, 2019
Miami Florida
at three weeks my chicks began free ranging.
They have always had feed in the aviary and it’s door have been open from 8 am to 8 pm so the hens have had access to the feed. Nonetheless they have stuff themselves with grass, fruits, moths, lizards, etc during the daylight hours so it logical to believe that they have not eaten as much crumble as locked-in hens.
Would this delay egg laying ?
I don't think so either. If they do start to lay they may look for an inconspicuous place to lay eggs and often times if one lays in a certain spot others are likely to too rather than in their nest boxes.
What does affect it is time of year. This time of year under decreasing light pullets will mature more slowly, and the point of lay can come a month or two later than the average expected start date. I think it's a good thing, as pullets can fully mature before the stress of laying is put upon them. It's also more natural than those maturing more quickly in spring.
Nope don't think so, breed of hen can effect it as some like the Amerecuana don't start laying until I believe 7-9 months of age where common breeds lay between 4-6 months. There are a few breeds but can't remember them all that are later layers
I agree with mom, it can make it hard to find the eggs. One of My Orpingtons laid her first egg when she was walking through the barn. She stopped for a minute, looked confused and dropped an egg while standing. My hubby watched her do it. This was the only cracked egg we’ve had. If this had happened when she was walking in the grass we would not have found it.

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