Does God care if we are happy?

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Sorry, these types of postings always attract the doubters and as usual I attempt to set them straight. I always let them get me started. Yes I believe the bible to be God's word and my lifes experience has proven to be a resounding yes He does care whether we are happy. Time and time again we can read where doing things His way will bring a blessing. If He didn't want us to be happy why would He bother? I see the word of God not as a bunch of do's and don'ts but a "how to book" on how to please God and in doing so bring joy to ourselves and others. Not everyone but some. Can God be happy? yes "the JOY of the Lord is my strength". The angels in heaven REJOICE when one sinner repents. (paraphased). Lk 15:10

Ps 16:11 Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of JOY; at Thy right hand there are PLEASURES forevermore. Clearly God does care if we are happy, otherwise He would not have given us His word to show us the path of life.

Take care


Hey 149 postings is that a record

Rancher that was awesome
Sorry, these types of postings always attract the doubters and as usual I attempt to set them straight. I always let them get me started. Yes I believe the bible to be God's word and my lifes experience has proven to be a resounding yes He does care whether we are happy. Time and time again we can read where doing things His way will bring a blessing. If He didn't want us to be happy why would He bother? I see the word of God not as a bunch of do's and don'ts but a "how to book" on how to please God and in doing so bring joy to ourselves and others. Not everyone but some. Can God be happy? yes "the JOY of the Lord is my strength". The angels in heaven REJOICE when one sinner repents. (paraphased). Lk 15:10

Ps 16:11 Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of JOY; at Thy right hand there are PLEASURES forevermore. Clearly God does care if we are happy, otherwise He would not have given us His word to show us the path of life.

Take care


Hey 149 postings is that a record

Ah yes, so it is an opportunity to preach after all. I may not doubt that the bible is god's word, but others may proselytize about how it is.

Do let me reiterate that I do not object to the topic at all! I truly am interested in other people's religious ideas, (though the televangelist sorts horrify me). Thing is, I really think it's best to be honest about things. I have some quotes which further define my opinion though not from the bible.

'I have no doubt that faith is only pure when it does not negate the faith of another. I have no doubt that evil can be fought and that indifference is no option. I have no doubt that fanaticism is dangerous. And of all the books in the world on life, I have no doubt that the life of one person weighs more than them all.' ~ Elie Wiesel

This next is not in the bible either, but they are wise words from someone who believes in the bible and wise words I’m very willing to live by, (though I may do poorly on the ‘reserved’ part. Call me evil if you will for I do not believe in the bible as the word of god. It’s too easy to pick and choose at whatever suites the purpose, even if you pick and choose the parts I might agree are ‘good’, they don’t negate the parts that go against any part that I could ever envision as ‘good’. This quote however is not in the least ambiguous to me.

‘Be friendly to all and a burden to no one. Live before yourself moderately; before your neighbors, honestly. Let your life be modest and reserved, your manner courteous, your admonitions friendly, your forgiveness willing, your promises true, your speech wise, and share gladly the bounties you receive.’
~ Rules of a Godly Life, John A. Hostetler

I say that anyone who lives by these words inasmuch as they can is a better neighbor than 9/10 of those who can spout bible verses from one side of their mouths and condemn others from the others.
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He gave us the desires of our heart.... so I would say yes... persuing those desires completes us and give us a feeling of safisfaction and joy.... so I am voting for yes...
Sorry, these types of postings always attract the doubters and as usual I attempt to set them straight. I always let them get me started. Yes I believe the bible to be God's word and my lifes experience has proven to be a resounding yes He does care whether we are happy. Time and time again we can read where doing things His way will bring a blessing. If He didn't want us to be happy why would He bother? I see the word of God not as a bunch of do's and don'ts but a "how to book" on how to please God and in doing so bring joy to ourselves and others. Not everyone but some. Can God be happy? yes "the JOY of the Lord is my strength". The angels in heaven REJOICE when one sinner repents. (paraphased). Lk 15:10

Ps 16:11 Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of JOY; at Thy right hand there are PLEASURES forevermore. Clearly God does care if we are happy, otherwise He would not have given us His word to show us the path of life.

Take care


Hey 149 postings is that a record

Yea me too thanks for saying it much better then I ever could me and Him walk together as friends He is my pal, my father and my brother.................
Sorry, these types of postings always attract the doubters and as usual I attempt to set them straight. I always let them get me started. Yes I believe the bible to be God's word and my lifes experience has proven to be a resounding yes He does care whether we are happy. Time and time again we can read where doing things His way will bring a blessing. If He didn't want us to be happy why would He bother? I see the word of God not as a bunch of do's and don'ts but a "how to book" on how to please God and in doing so bring joy to ourselves and others. Not everyone but some. Can God be happy? yes "the JOY of the Lord is my strength". The angels in heaven REJOICE when one sinner repents. (paraphased). Lk 15:10

Ps 16:11 Thou wilt show me the path of life: in thy presence is fullness of JOY; at Thy right hand there are PLEASURES forevermore. Clearly God does care if we are happy, otherwise He would not have given us His word to show us the path of life.

Take care


Hey 149 postings is that a record

Ah yes, so it is an opportunity to preach after all. I may not doubt that the bible is god's word, but others may proselytize about how it is.

Do let me reiterate that I do not object to the topic at all! I truly am interested in other people's religious ideas, (though the televangelist sorts horrify me). Thing is, I really think it's best to be honest about things. I have some quotes which further define my opinion though not from the bible.

'I have no doubt that faith is only pure when it does not negate the faith of another. I have no doubt that evil can be fought and that indifference is no option. I have no doubt that fanaticism is dangerous. And of all the books in the world on life, I have no doubt that the life of one person weighs more than them all.' ~ Elie Wiesel

This next is not in the bible either, but they are wise words from someone who believes in the bible and wise words I’m very willing to live by, (though I may do poorly on the ‘reserved’ part. Call me evil if you will for I do not believe in the bible as the word of god. It’s too easy to pick and choose at whatever suites the purpose, even if you pick and choose the parts I might agree are ‘good’, they don’t negate the parts that go against any part that I could ever envision as ‘good’. This quote however is not in the least ambiguous to me.

‘Be friendly to all and a burden to no one. Live before yourself moderately; before your neighbors, honestly. Let your life be modest and reserved, your manner courteous, your admonitions friendly, your forgiveness willing, your promises true, your speech wise, and share gladly the bounties you receive.’
~ Rules of a Godly Life, John A. Hostetler

I say that anyone who lives by these words inasmuch as they can is a better neighbor than 9/10 of those who can spout bible verses from one side of their mouths and condemn others from the others.

So very very true.. Well said!
Yes, Yes. continually we find in the scripture the joy of the Lord. We can't have joy without happiness. Happiness can come from many earthly or material means and can be gone in a flash however; joy can not be taken away by earthly circumstances. Joy is to be desired more than happiness. A period of joy will bring happiness eternal.
here is another quote from the 16th president
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, called the Bible "the best gift God has ever given to man . . . But for it we could not know right from wrong." Now then, what does this superlative gift tell us about how suffering began, why God permitted it, and what he will do about it?
I wrote this earlier, but it got kinda buried (I don't mean to spam):

'My 89 yr. old aunt asked me last year about what I really, truly thought happens to us when we die. The love of her life was killed in WWII. She later married a man that she loved and he died some 20 yrs. ago. She was confused about how it could be that we will all be together again in heaven, yet she loved BOTH these men dearly; what could her 'life' possibly be like in heaven?

I don't know where the words came from in me, but this is what I told her: I think that 'God' is a light energy that we originated from and that we return to when our body ceases to function. All that we know during our time on earth that have 'died' also go back to the light. Like dipping a cup of water from the ocean and then pouring it back in. We are all part of the same thing. That's why 'God' is in us and 'we' are inseparable. Energy returns to source. That's why we never run out of the capacity to love; family, friends, animals - all are part of the source. I'm not sure if my aunt really understood the concept, but it was the first time that I could verbalize what I thought about eternity.

So, even though the Bible may not verbalize that 'God' wants us to be happy, I think it goes without saying...'

Is this in the bible somewhere, just in different words?

7 Jesus Christ spoke about the condition of the dead. He did so with regard to Lazarus, a man whom he knew well and who had died. Jesus told his disciples: “Lazarus our friend has gone to rest.” The disciples thought that Jesus meant that Lazarus was resting in sleep, recovering from an illness. They were wrong. Jesus explained: “Lazarus has died.” (John 11:11-14) Notice that Jesus compared death to rest and sleep. Lazarus was neither in heaven nor in a burning hell. He was not meeting angels or ancestors. Lazarus was not being reborn as another human. He was at rest in death, as though in a deep sleep without dreams. Other scriptures also compare death to sleep. For example, when the disciple Stephen was stoned to death, the Bible says that he “fell asleep.” (Acts 7:60) Similarly, the apostle Paul wrote about some in his day who had “fallen asleep” in death.—1 Corinthians 15:6.

Jehovah made humans to live forever on earth
8 Was it God’s original purpose for people to die? Not at all! Jehovah made man to live forever on earth. As we learned earlier in this book, God placed the first human couple in a delightful paradise. He blessed them with perfect health. Jehovah wanted only good for them. Does any loving parent want his children to suffer the pain of old age and death? Of course not! Jehovah loved his children and wanted them to enjoy endless happiness on earth. Concerning humans, the Bible says: “Time indefinite [Jehovah] has put in their heart.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11) God created us with the desire to live forever. And he has opened the way for that desire to be fulfilled.
I didn't have time to read all the posts on this thread and don't care to argue anyway. But these scriptures came to mind.

Psalm 17:6 I call on you, O God, for you will answer me;
give ear to me and hear my prayer.
7 Show the wonder of your great love,
you who save by your right hand
those who take refuge in you from their foes.
8 Keep me as the apple of your eye;
hide me in the shadow of your wings

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

“Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not ye therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:29-31
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