Does heat affect egg laying? We've had 90+++ temps for the last

Yes, in high heat and humid conditions, the bird's body is focused on maintaining homeostatis of internal temps and blood acid-base balance. Egg production, and all other non-critical functions are temporarily ceased, as the body focuses on staying alive. You gotta love the bigger birds that DO stop. It's one less thing to worry about.
Well I sold off my seven dozen eggs today to a neighbor that shares with his daughter. After he left I went out to check on the girls and gathered 10 eggs. I seriously don't know how they do it.
Amazing girls here, in Houston area with 90+ degrees and often 90+ humidity.

We are SO backyard chickens in this tight subdivision.....
(Neighbors not complaining yet).

Our 4 (FOUR) hens, Barred Rocks, are producing 2 to 4 eggs a day, more or less, but a very good average.
They are just over a year old (April last year chicks), and doing well in the heat and weather stress.

They have water in their coop and water in the run (which they muddy right off), free range in the run and have access to their feeder 24/7.

They get a mix of 16% pellets and 20% (protein) pellets, only because we wanted the 20% to start with but our feed store only had 16.

They also get all leftover parrot food, and any leavings from our dinners.....salad stuff, meat stuff etc.......(not a whole lot).

We're very pleased with their development and adaptability to high temps, (and low temps too) and they are sweeties to boot!

LOVE these BARRED ROCKS!!!!!!!
Do chickens ever play in water? As in, if I gave them a wading pool, would they get in and cool off? Just a thought. Mine free range, so flee their hot coop before 6am and head for shade. Plenty of places to dust bathe in the shade and they basically hang out and scratch around, but I'm wondering if they would have fun wading? Anybody ever try that?
I do have a fan in the coop to at least help move some air around. Kind of want to bring them all in the house, into the a/c. Not sure how well that would sit with my husband but maybe he wouldn't notice.
I put a big basin of water in my coop and my girls just drink out of it. I even tried putting a few of them in there thinking they'd get the idea, but they jumped right out! They do seem to like it when I let the hose run for a while so they get some mud puddles to walk around in. Most of the time though they just dig down deep in the dirt and relax!

I have thought about bringing them in the house so they can cool down, but I read here that it's really bad for them if they have big changes in temperature. It has been nearly 100 degrees here for the past 2 weeks and we keep it about 78 degrees inside, so I'd be worried that the heat would be even harder on them going back out from being in the A/C. They seem like they're getting used to the heat and are still pretty active, so I think they are taking it ok.
Yes, in high heat and humid conditions, the bird's body is focused on maintaining homeostatis of internal temps and blood acid-base balance. Egg production, and all other non-critical functions are temporarily ceased, as the body focuses on staying alive. You gotta love the bigger birds that DO stop. It's one less thing to worry about.

Huh ? We are just simple backyard chicken folk here. Do not understand them thar big fancy words.
ive seen mine walking around with there wings out and down from their bodies...kinda looks like they are dancing. i've put an old bird bath in mine and i replenish it with water twice a day. mine aren't laying yet but i do hope soon. i hope they will lay at all? i just wish the humidity would go away...wouldn't be so bad if it did!

any other suggestions on how to keep them cool and happy?

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