Does it hurt to cut the underbelly/tail feathers?


In the Brooder
May 22, 2017
We are trying to nurse along our pullet with curled toes. Since she's not walking, she has gotten a lot of poop in her under feathers. The vent itself is clear, at least. Can I bathe her? Cut away those poopy feathers without hurting her? It's the soft underside ones and some near her tail, underneath. Thanks.
Not sure about the cutting of feathers but have you seen this:

Have you done anything to help the toes?

Thanks for the welcome! I will have to look into a chicken sling thing. We have been giving her a couple of drops of Poly Vi Sol in a spoon of water since last Thursday. The toes seem to have uncurled, at least. However, she is still just sitting around. Tonight she tried to move a little but it was more of a wing flapping and scooting thing. Sigh. Hoping she will be able to walk again.
We are trying to nurse along our pullet with curled toes. Since she's not walking, she has gotten a lot of poop in her under feathers. The vent itself is clear, at least. Can I bathe her? Cut away those poopy feathers without hurting her? It's the soft underside ones and some near her tail, underneath. Thanks.
Cutting feathers is like cutting hair. it doesn't hurt. I have done it because i have had the same problem with some Cuckoo Maran hens.

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