Does it matter that one is a lot bigger?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 17, 2011
Topeka, KS
I'm raising my first batch of chicks. I have 5 total but 2 RIRs. They were bought the same day, were the same size, and out of a "pullet" bin, but now (only two weeks later)- one has 4 rows of wing feathers, back feathers, and tiny tale feathers. The other is barely starting it's second row of wing feathers and barely has it's tail feathers.

Are they just maturing at different rates? Is this normal? Or is it more likely that I have a pullet and a cockerel?
I have 3 chicks, different sizes, two much bigger than the third.
I think when you first picked them out they LOOK similar since they are all tiny, but they might be different sizes already and that SEEMINGLY small difference just get pronounced as they grow.
Having said that, I have a hard time justifying my third one being MUCH smaller than the other two. BUT, she is a smart one. She can fly on top of the perch and fight for worms and she is never bullied.
Anyway I am first time mom too it will be interesting to see what happens. So far the smallers girl seems happy and smart. (I dont think they are smart to begin with but she is smarter than the other two). Maybe she thinks too much...
I have 2 EE pullets, one I hatched and one I bought 4 days later. The one I hatched is WAY bigger and since I hatched it and it wasn't sexed, im worried its a cockerel. Its quite a bit more outgoing as well.
I thought girls develop faster?
Maybe the one you hatched is healthier or maybe it has to do with the breed?
Sometimes I think my smallest one is a bantam but i doubt.

I have 20 or so RIR in the brooder that are 10 days old and they all are different according to size and feathers some area little bigger than another and some have not started to feather out. Mine all are getting their wing and other feathers. A few days can make a difference in chick size.

I got 5 EE's from Ideal. The marked cockeral has much smaller wings than the pullets at day 14. His tiny tail is also rounded, rather than straight. Not sure how much this means anything, but it's definately a difference I'm noticing. He's started to get real peeved when ever one of the girls gets higher than him and flaps her wings. He'll run over and stretch his neck up and give them the evil eye. He hasn't been able to stare them off the perch yet, but he's trying.
I have 7 babies and 5 are almost a weel old and they all have tiny tail feathers already and all but one has wing feathers. The 2 that are a little older have huge tail feathers and wing feathers but they are Buff Orpingtons and I guess since they are big birds they grow fast.
They are individuals who will mature at their own pace. You can tell sex on some breeds by feathers, but it is when they are only in the first few days after hatching you can do this. They sound fine but you will have to wait to be sure if they are all, in fact, pullets. Good luck.

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