Does Layer Feed Stimulate Egg Production...

layer feed, to be exact, is a SUPPLEMENT

Layer Feed is a Complete Feed not a Supplement, a Supplement or Supplemental Feed would be like Manna Pro Poultry Conditioner, Manna Pro Calf Manna, Rooster Booster Poultry Booster, Rooster Booster Poultry Cell, Oyster Shells etc.
now if an egg-laying hen only gets ordinary feed, bugs and grass.. where will she get her calcium and additional protein?

If not feeding a layer feed then the extra Calcium (Ca) that a hen needs to produce eggs would come in the form of Oyster Shells and or Calcium Carbonate. Layer feed will range from 16 to 20 percent protein not much different than a starter or grower feed.


In addition....if the hen is getting "plenty" of bugs and grasses, wild grains, etc. She is getting the protein and a good portion of calcium from the "bugs". Exoskeleton type insects contain a good amount of calcium. Of course many plants contain a fair amount of protein and calcium as well (although a different type) alfalfa and clover for example.​
layer feed, to be exact, is a SUPPLEMENT

Layer Feed is a Complete Feed not a Supplement, a Supplement or Supplemental Feed would be like Manna Pro Poultry Conditioner, Manna Pro Calf Manna, Rooster Booster Poultry Booster, Rooster Booster Poultry Cell, Oyster Shells etc.
now if an egg-laying hen only gets ordinary feed, bugs and grass.. where will she get her calcium and additional protein?

If not feeding a layer feed then the extra Calcium (Ca) that a hen needs to produce eggs would come in the form of Oyster Shells and or Calcium Carbonate. Layer feed will range from 16 to 20 percent protein not much different than a starter or grower feed.


thanks for ur correction.

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