Does my duckling have an eye infection?


Aug 29, 2016
I have four Pekin/ runner ducklings who are being looked after by a silkie hen. Recently my ducklings have begun to develop dark, matted feathers around their eyes. I'm not sure whether they have an eye infection or if they are simply getting dirty. Please help.
That's interesting... His eyes look healthy to me. The don't look swollen, no discharge (even though the hair is matted) it's not like green gunk coming from his eye. Have you smelled it? Do his eyes smell bad or anything? If they're acting normal as well, I wouldn't worry too much right now.

Could they be exposed to any fine particulates anywhere that could be irritating their eyes enough to make them water?
Thank you for all your help. I've cleaned of the dirt and they look fine now. I think I will make a deeper water container so they can wash their whole head.

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