Does my hen have ascites? Help!

Oct 15, 2023
So a few months back I went to pick up my Ideal 236 and I noticed that she had an enlarged stomach/bum that was very squishy to the touch. I wondered about water belly but as she wasn't acting sick I left it alone; then a few days later she started acting lethargic and getting very light weight so I brought her in and surgically drained the fluid. After the surgery she started doing a lot better and the next time I checked her she had zero fluid in her stomach. I still don't understand this because to my knowledge ascites causes constant fluid, so I assumed she must just not have had that, but know about three months after we drained her her stomach/bum it feels like it is full of fluid again. I would love to here ya'lls thoughts. This is my first hen to get ascites (if that's what she has) so I need all the advice I can get! She is acting perfectly fine besides her big fluid bum and is very lively. She is three years old and still lays a couple of eggs every week. If it's not ascites what could it be?? And if it is ascites how did she have zero fluid in her stomach for a little while? Should I drain her again??
Ascites is not a disease, it's a symptom of a much more serious underlying disease. It is generally caused by right heart valve defects, tumors, liver dysfunction, reproductive cancer, etc. She will continue to fill up with fluid because of the underlying, undoubtedly incurable disease.
When you drained her, you drained off all the excess fluid that you could feel in her abdominal cavity. But it was still leaking in there. You just couldn't feel it yet. It's a very slow leak for her. It is up to you if you want to continue to drain her. Eventually the disease will progress to the point where it will kill her or she will need to be euthanized.
Okay that is what I thought thanks for the info. I assumed she would eventually die but I didn't know that chickens with ascites would/could still lay so that's where I was confused. Is it common for hens to lay even when they have ascites? Any recommendations to help prevent my other hens from getting it?
Thanks for all the help

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