Does my Peacock need a Peahen to live happily?


12 Years
Mar 30, 2011
I am a new peacock owner, he is 8 months old beautiful pied emerald something.
When I bought him, the guy at the farm said he can live alone or live with a hen, whatever. My vet(avian and exotic specialist) also said that it does not matter whether he lives alone or with a hen, as long as I play with him daily, to socialize him. Now, when I called the farmer to ask for my peacock's birth date, he screamed at me, saying: " Do you want a hen? He needs a hen!"
I am puzzled. I know they are social animal, but I got him, because I like playing with him, and we entertain him daily. Yes, we work all day, but after work we have fun, and 3 days a week I stay at home with him. He seems delighted when we spend the weekends with him. I could get him a hen maybe in a year, once I know that caring for him is done deal, and I can take on another animal. But right now it is so much work. Also I live in a suburbs, and wanted to eliminate the amount of noise. Does he scream without a peahen? Or only when peahen is present?
Please advise me from experience, whether he really NEEDS a hen for life, or he will be fine with us humans. He dances a lot and humps his toy monkey, so I assume he is horny, but is it harmfull, when he does not lay with hen?

Thank you
Hehehehehe, yeah, it is adorable when he picks up the monkey by its ass and carries it around then dumps in and scratches it and dances to it! I have a youtube videos, but not sure how to post a video or a picture here.
Oh wait, here is the video:

Nope, no freeranging, he is my baby pet. He will sleep in the garage, and will roam inside an enclosure.
sounds like he's happy.. and well, if I had a peacock.. with a solid enclosure.. still working on mine..hehehe

I wouldnt get a peahen... cause then he would bond to her and you would mean nothing.. Now I know some of you are like.. say what?? cause I could be talking out my bootaae.. but you know what I mean..

I have a chicken, that well... no one was being nice to it.. it was soooooooooooooooo bonded to me.. and now everyone is nice to it.. and it wants nothing to do with me.. so thats where I was guessing this from

welcome btw to the peafowl section of byc
You DO NOT need a hen to free range we have 3 males on 20 ac and they have never left.

If you want peachicks get a hen, If you want him to have a friend get him a male the same age so they can get to know each other the longer you wait the harder it will be to add a male.

Why?? I kicked them out of there pens 3 yrs ago when they were 2 yrs old and they have lots of things to keep them busy, they show off to the Cows, Dogs, Cats, Car Bumpers, Each other and Us if we stand out there long enough.


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