Does the crest make a difference in sex of polish?

Well this is the best i could get of them. When they were inside they wouldn't come anywhere near me but now that they are outside I can't get them out from under me. They are like little puppies. They follow me every step i make. I do believe they are both pullets now but only time will tell. They haven't crowed but it is still early for that.

Silver Laced

Gold laced

This gives me hope that my Silver Laced could yet be a pullet. She's a little over 5 weeks now, and has that weird spikey-ish mohawk thing going on. Hoping it rounds out and I don't end up with a roo ... Yours certainly look very pullet like now!
This gives me hope as well ours still look remarkably alike. The only difference is my golden has more of a black top it's tinted but just darker and the silver is a more silver topped. My silver lace seems younger than my golden and her crest is more spiked as well hoping it will fluff out. I am glad to see that all four of their back or saddle feathers look alike. Keeping my fingers crossed. I will post a picture tomorrow of my girls.
I will never know if my two polish babies are pullets for sure. I finally got to go out to check on the flock was storming to bad to go out yesterday...and I found my two polish dead. No blood or anything just dead. No clue what happened to them. All my other chickens are just as happy and healthy as ever. It was only the polish that were dead. They were fine when i checked on them day before yesterday. Anyone have any insight on what could have happened?
Oh no, my heart is breaking for you. I don't know what happened of course, but just hearing this I have made up my mind not to put our Polish with our flock. I know tons of folks do it and you said you had no issues, but our head girl will kill them for sure she is very protective. I am sooo sorry. Hugs to you!

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