Does this chick look ok? Please help!

Oh my goodness, she is big! And beautiful! And broody...more chicks coming your way soon? Do you have your own rooster?

I have no idea what my little black chick is. He is growing like crazy though! It's amazing to watch. :) How is your little one tonight? Any improvement?

She's hanging in there. Not too sure. I've had them like this before, just be droopy, but then get up and go. We will see. The picture of the Favorelle is a Bantam. She really is pretty small. These babies I just hatched, are going to be bigger than her. I hope they make it. I do have the other eggs in the bator. Hoping I do better with this batch.
I have some mixes under that broody. I haven't had a broody in a long time, I'm excited to see a mama and babies together. It's her first time, so I'm hoping she will be a good never know how they will be. I had one just fly the coop..literally when the eggs started to pip. I had to bring the eggs in to a bator I had bought just for that very reason, a just in case bator I was told to have on hand. Well, that's all she wrote. That darn hen made me a hatch a holic! I loved ... love hatching! :D
OMGosh I have just had the same thing happen and was so relieved to know Im not alone Good Luck N God Bless our Babies;-)Kym
Don't discount the runts. Lisa, my little BR who is half the size of her sister and missing one of her middle claws. Didn't think she would make it when she was a chick
She's little but has heart and is a great egg layer. Three years old and still six eggs a week. Jenny lays 4-5 a week, jumbo. I'd rather have 6 grade A than 4 jumbo eggs.
LOL If I pick up Jenny (my larger BR) Lisa will come to the rescue and act like a roo. Though small she is at the top of the pecking order, even when i had a roo.
Only the two hens...yes. But it's just me and my son and those two girls provide more than enough eggs for cooking and hatching.
If they survive the first week there is a good chance they'll make it.

Just had something like this happen today. :( Chick piped yesterday morning. when I checked in the afternoon the little guy had made no progress which is not unusual. When I checked at night I noticed yoke/fluid/blood leaking from the egg. She/he had piped away 1/2" and stopped. There was no movement, the chick had died in the egg, drown. Had started piping downward instead of around the air sack membrane from what I could tell.

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