Does this look familiar?? Please help!!!


In the Brooder
Jun 9, 2017
We notices a lump on the top of our Buff Orpingtons head last night. I put a warm compress on it and let her go to bed. This morning I put another warm compress and tried to gently express it and nothing came out. So tonight I pulled back the "scab" type thing hoping it may be a feather cysts and this is what I was left with. Nothing came out but 2 small feathers that were grown out of the scab? She is only 7 mo and our baby . Please help if you know what this tumor/cyst thing is. Thank you so much!!!!


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I'd isolate and put blood stop on it (or corn starch in a pinch) until it completely heals.

Also would try to figure out why she was being picked on because adding her back in after isolating won't make it any better so you'll need to address the issue or it'll keep happening.

Good luck!
Thanks so much!!! It's so weird I have never seen her being pecked at. She is one of my original/older 3 that all came together and she is bubfar the most docile and everyone (out of 5) is not bother by having her around. Obviously I can not see what happens at night when they go up to roost. Thanks so much for your help!

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