Does this look like angelwing?


Duck Obsessed
15 Years
Jan 17, 2009
North Eastern PA
My almost 6 week old call duckling has drooping wings that seem to keep getting heavier. The other 4 from the hatch don't have this problem. I've been feeding duck crumble since they hatched and switched over to flock raiser at about 3-4 weeks old. I have been giving them mashed peas as a treat because I read there is niacin in them. Let me know what you think and the best way to wrap this little guy. The pictures I found have me a little confused on how to do it properly. I already have vet wrap here.


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That does not look to me like angel wing. It looks like a duckling that has just got its flight feathers that it is finding heavy. Does the duck adjust the wings periodically and bring them up? If that is happening -- adjusting the drooping wings -- the wings will eventually be adjusted and stay up as the duckling gets stronger and used to the weight of the flight feathers
That does not look to me like angel wing. It looks like a duckling that has just got its flight feathers that it is finding heavy. Does the duck adjust the wings periodically and bring them up? If that is happening -- adjusting the drooping wings -- the wings will eventually be adjusted and stay up as the duckling gets stronger and used to the weight of the flight feathers
Yes she or he pulls them up regularly. Seems to only droop consistently when he or she is not focusing.

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