Does this look more like Marek’s or a vitamin deficiency?

That's probably a good idea, I'm sorry for bombarding you with all that information. Eggcessive did reply to one of my threads and i think they said they think it's Marek's but I don't remember. Hopefully reading about my chicken again won't be too annoying 😳
It's okay. Somethings I can help people with, somethings, I have had experience with, & can't help people with stuff I haven't dealt with, but try to anyways.
My money's on vitamin E and B-1 and 6 deficiency. Of course I could be wrong for the second time in my life. :D It could be Marek's. But it's easy enough to buy a bottle of B-100 complex from Walmart and vitamin E 400iu and a bottle of selenium and give her one E and a quarter tab of selenium each day, and half a B -100 complex twice a day, and see what happens.

If it's going to work, you should see results in just a couple of days. Continue until she's back to her normal self.
My money's on vitamin E and B-1 and 6 deficiency. Of course I could be wrong for the second time in my life. :D It could be Marek's. But it's easy enough to buy a bottle of B-100 complex from Walmart and vitamin E 400iu and a bottle of selenium and give her one E and a quarter tab of selenium each day, and half a B -100 complex twice a day, and see what happens.

If it's going to work, you should see results in just a couple of days. Continue until she's back to her normal self.
Thank you. She's already taking 400iu of vitamin e (since Saturday) twice a day, 1/4 a vitamin b complex pill (150 mg vitamin c, 100 mg thiamine,20 mg riboflavin, 25mg niacin, ect.)(since yesterday) and I was feeding her selenium rich foods but I don't know if she was eating enough of it so I just gave her a tiny chip off a 200 mcg selenium pill. Should I increase her dosage of vitamin b? I hope you're right. She hasn't improved yet but I guess she still has time to
I have witnessed state vet confirmed Marek's cases do this, but flip completely over backwards. I do believe that's what this is. I'm so sorry.
Yeah, I guess it could be. :( Everyone is divided between vitamin deficiency and Marek’s. I guess there's no real way to know until the vitamins either help or don't help
I have witnessed state vet confirmed Marek's cases do this, but flip completely over backwards. I do believe that's what this is. I'm so sorry.
None of my other chickens are ill though. However I did lose one in June suddenly with no prior symptoms and one in October or November who seemed old and weak and had a bad infestation of lice (didn't realize she had it until it was too late, the rest of the flock has been treated since though). Could their deaths have been caused by marek's at all? I figured one just had a heart attack or something and the other one was anemic
None of my other chickens are ill though. However I did lose one in June suddenly with no prior symptoms and one in October or November who seemed old and weak and had a bad infestation of lice (didn't realize she had it until it was too late, the rest of the flock has been treated since though). Could their deaths have been caused my marek's at all? I figured one just had a heart attack or something and the other one was anemic
In my experience, there were always signs. Not necessarily the same signs though. I lost mine one at a time, and then 3 almost at once.
:( so should I be prepared for the rest of my flock to die?
I don't want to say that. I believe I just had a very virulent strain of the disease.

Just keep a close eye on everyone. Treat any symptoms that occur. You've gotten some good treatment advice between all your threads. Hopefully it's just a deficiency.

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