does your dog eat chicken poop??

And bunny, duck, goose, goat, horse, and cat poop as well. One also likes to clean up the birdseed from under the cages.
I be sure to get an occassional poop sample to the vet about once a year from the worst offender. If it's positive (which it rarely is
) I treat everyone. I think I've only had to do that once. Right now we have a big flea issue, and hence treatment for tapeworms is forthcoming this weekend
Since we got the puppy the cows have been confined to the other side of the farm while the meadows grew out. Yesterday the cows were released and immediately came right up here to the yard fence. The puppy was fascinated when he saw them for the first time and the very first thing he did was stick his entire face right into a pile of fresh, runny cow poo.
I had a Aussi Shep mix that loved it so much, he would ever so gently catch the chicken and wash their back sides. IT was gross and funny at the same time! He wondered off too far one day & someone took him. So sad, he was a very cool looking dog. But, I replaced him with a sheepdog. All the sheepdog wants to do is eat the chicken and can careless about their mooky stinks. On the plus side; Baxter is allowed to give me the occassional doggie smootch, but the downfall is; I am stepping on allot more chicken poo these days.
By accident a few weeks ago, I forgot to latch the gate to the hen yard and the wind blew it open. At noon time I let the dog into the back yard as I usually do and went to the front yard to wait for my daughters school bus to come. 10 minutes or so past and I went inside to wash dishes, I looked out the window to the back yard and saw three black hens butts happily flinging around leaves and dirt from under a tree. I raced outside to find the dog and got her in with a bisquit bribe. Ran out and did a head count, I was shocked that all 7 hens were busy digging around while the dog must have opted for a poo snack from the hen yard instead of going after the birds. She had to have walked right past them to get into the hen yard. I was of course releived and absolultly surprised that there hadn't been a masacre out there.

So, yes my dog loves poo from the chickens and I will NOT allow dog kisses from her
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