Dog attack has left my rooster with a bald back and no tail feathers.

Sue Jess

Aug 27, 2019
My daughter thought he had been killed but I saw him breathing. I scooped him up and took him into the back verandah area. He was able to walk after 10 minutes of soothing him. He has skin which isn't bloodied but looks really sore. All his feathers on his back as well as his tail feathers have been torn out. That dog should get a job at Ingham's. I gave him some electrolytes via a dropper. He only drank a tiny bit. I love my rooster, Big Al. He is in a pen on his own tonight. His rooster companion alerted us to the attack. My daughter's dog had come over from her place and gotten into the backyard. Is he going to need anything on the skin where he's been plucked? I hope he doesn't die from shock. 😔
My daughter thought he had been killed but I saw him breathing. I scooped him up and took him into the back verandah area. He was able to walk after 10 minutes of soothing him. He has skin which isn't bloodied but looks really sore. All his feathers on his back as well as his tail feathers have been torn out. That dog should get a job at Ingham's. I gave him some electrolytes via a dropper. He only drank a tiny bit. I love my rooster, Big Al. He is in a pen on his own tonight. His rooster companion alerted us to the attack. My daughter's dog had come over from her place and gotten into the backyard. Is he going to need anything on the skin where he's been plucked? I hope he doesn't die from shock. 😔
I'm so sorry this happend... Check very carefully if there are no hidden wounds.. Hope he survives!
My daughter thought he had been killed but I saw him breathing. I scooped him up and took him into the back verandah area. He was able to walk after 10 minutes of soothing him. He has skin which isn't bloodied but looks really sore. All his feathers on his back as well as his tail feathers have been torn out. That dog should get a job at Ingham's. I gave him some electrolytes via a dropper. He only drank a tiny bit. I love my rooster, Big Al. He is in a pen on his own tonight. His rooster companion alerted us to the attack. My daughter's dog had come over from her place and gotten into the backyard. Is he going to need anything on the skin where he's been plucked? I hope he doesn't die from shock. 😔
its ok sue, the little fella will pull through. everything is ok :D
I'm so sorry this happend... Check very carefully if there are no hidden wounds.. Hope he survives!
Yes I had him on my lap for 10 minutes or so. I was really upset and cuddled him. He really responded well to that. I want to give him a pain killer for the weeping holes where his feathers once were. 😔 In the morning I need to ring and ask the vet what to do. I won't sleep tonight.
Usually with a dog it’s the inside that get crushed from the bite broken ribs punctured lungs and guts. The chicken will act fine because in the bird world showing weakness gets you attacked by the flock to protect the flock. Watch him a few days for swelling and blackness around the bald areas. It may bruise some and turn purplish also watch for maggots on the bald areas I’ve had them eatin from the inside out by then it’s to late.
Usually with a dog it’s the inside that get crushed from the bite broken ribs punctured lungs and guts. The chicken will act fine because in the bird world showing weakness gets you attacked by the flock to protect the flock. Watch him a few days for swelling and blackness around the bald areas. It may bruise some and turn purplish also watch for maggots on the bald areas I’ve had them eatin from the inside out by then it’s to late.
No blood, no puncture wounds, etc. I just need to know what pain relief to give. I am about to buy and apply iodine to treat the bald spots for any infection that may be present.
If he's not bleeding, you can dissolve a baby aspirin or 1/4 normal aspirin (325mg) in a quart of water and have that be his only water. No longer than three days though. You'll have to keep redoing it a couple of times a day as it changes the taste of the water when it sits there for a while.

You could also rub some plain Neosporin (without the pain reliever) over his bald area. That might help him feel better too.

I hope he's feeling better soon.
If he's not bleeding, you can dissolve a baby aspirin or 1/4 normal aspirin (325mg) in a quart of water and have that be his only water. No longer than three days though. You'll have to keep redoing it a couple of times a day as it changes the taste of the water when it sits there for a while.

You could also rub some plain Neosporin (without the pain reliever) over his bald area. That might help him feel better too.

I hope he's feeling better soon.
Thanks for the reply. I never had anything like that so I gave him the left over painkiller from the vet for the cat. I sprayed some Elastoplast Wound Spray on his back. I treated him for shock with electrolyte water which I fed via a dropper. He came good on the second day and is now doing quite well. I am confident he will keep improving. 😊
Hi! I'm late to reply, but in the event anyone else is on here looking for solutions...When we used to live in town, a few weeks or months after our then dog died, raccoons started plaguing our coop. Every night they came. It was like a horror show. My husband who had to leave for work at 4am resented being deprived of his precious sleep, and so went out one night with a baseball bat. There was a family of raccoons and we had no light. My husband had cornered them behind a shed and they were screaming. I brought him a gun. He waved it off growling "too noisy". Then, a raccoon made a mad dash and my husband became Babe Ruth swinging for the bleachers. We never had anymore trouble with raccoons (nor the crack head neighbors lol). In the mean time however, one of the little bastards had ripped the skin off the neck of one of our Americaunas. She was a beautiful young hen and it just broke my heart. I was sure she was a gonner. I sparyed blue kote on her raw flesh and hoped for the best. That was almost a decade ago? We still have her. She doesn't lay anymore, obviously, but she is still going strong. Blue Kote works great. Disinfects and the color discourages pecking. Her name now is "Neckless" as she lacks feathers from her upper breast to her chin.

A vet once told me that he finds that if you can quickly treat an animal and return it to it's regular routine it has the highest chance of survival. Being separated or out of routine causes stress which compounds problems. So treat em and get them back in with their coop-mates.

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