dog attack--help

And probably don't let her soak for too long in the tub, you'll want to give the wounds a chance to heal. Coconut oil is antibacterial and will help coat and protect the wounds to keep the skin from stretching uncomfortably as she heals too. And really, try that rooster booster poultry wound spray! I got it on Amazon, but it may be at your local Tractor Supply or farm store.
oh yeah shes in the bathtub where its warm and away from flies
I assume the bathtub is, warm, clean place for her to rest?

I wouldn't go to hog wild with all feeding her all sorts of stuff that might throw her system any farther off balance....
......her regular chicken ration and clean, clear water.

Is she eating and drinking and pooping OK?
So sorry to hear that! You really did try, but that wound was very substantial. You made her warm and comfortable in her last moments, and that was the best and kindest thing you could do for her.

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