Dog attack, looking for antibiotic advice


5 Years
Nov 29, 2014
My Issa Brown chicken who is about 5 months old was attacked by a dog on Friday. She sustained a semi large wound on her back. 2.5x2 inches. I cleaned the wound with normal saline and iodine and then closed the wound as best I could with vet glue. She is being kept in the house in a dog crate. She is eating some and drinking some. Still alert and walking a bit but spending a lot of time resting. I'm concerned about her developing an infection. I don't want to apply topical ointments or sprays at this time in order to keep the surgical glue dry. I've attempted calling vets but none care for chickens and our local pet shops and farmers supply but no one has antibiotics available for chickens. I was suggested by another chicken owner to do fish antibiotics which I can order online. Was planning on trying amoxicillin as this is suggested for predator/dog bites. Wanted to confirm dosing as I've found different suggestions online vs suggestions on these threads. I found online dosing 16-20mg/kg po q4-12hrs or 0.17g/L in drinking water per day. Would love some suggestions and advice around this. Thanks!
If you get fish mox, it will be capsules and you will need to give it directly, orally. It won't mix in water it will settle out. I usually empty the capsules, mix with a small amount of coconut oil, divide into the appropriate dose size, and freeze or refrigerate til firm. Then you can give like a custom pill and it usually goes down pretty easily.
There ARE a lot of differing dose recommendations. Dose I use is 57mg/lb of body weight twice a day (every 12 hours).
This link gives the same dose:
Hard to advise on a wound without seeing it, but in general it's usually better to leave them open rather than close them up with stitches or glue, that can close bacterial inside and actually encourage infection. If it seems to be getting worse, redder than you would expect from the trauma, any pus or bad odor, then that would indicate infection and it would be best to let it be open, flush it out well with chlorhexidine (hibiclens) or diluted betadine, and then apply the ointments to cover and keep it moist.
Thanks for the reply coach723. I didn't realize the contents of the fish antibiotics wouldn't dissolve in water as the instructions state to open capsule into tank water. Will keep that in mind if we go that route. Our girl's wound actually looks good. No signs of infection at this time. I'm just worried about it developing at some point and want to be prepared if it does. She's eating more and looking stronger now. Allowed her some outside time yesterday and today which she was so happy to be outdoors and attempted to go to bed with her sisters but brought her back inside to sleep. Will give her some more days to heal before putting her back in with her sisters. Appreciate all your comments though. First time I've actually had to deal with a wound in my girls. Previous dog attack resulted in immediate death

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