Dog attack - please help

s k y

5 Years
Apr 19, 2017
Hi, we had a neighbor dog attack one of the hens. This is what happened. What should I do? A layer of skin came off and there’s a puncture...


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I'd clean the area - irrigate the puncture wound, especially - and apply antibiotic cream, like Neosporin without pain reliever. Also, keep her someplace (safe) quiet and warm and offer a supplement like Poultry Nutri-Drench to help combat stress. There are numerous threads on the topic here.

Best wishes for her speedy recovery!
Should I cover it at all? Should I flush it with water or hydrogen peroxide?
She seems fine right now. Pretty comfortable, eating, walking around and being her normal self. We have her in a dog crate in a bathroom.
Good to hear that she seems to be doing well. A good sign that she's eating and behaving normally.

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