Dog attack please help


May 20, 2019
My poor hen was mauled by 2 lg dogs not sure what to do for her . Not sure if she will make it?


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use epsom salt and make her a warm bath, clean her wounds to see how bad it is. be really gental, wrap a towl around her to bind her wings so you can get a better look. your images don't show the wound clearly due to all the blood.
My poor hen was mauled by 2 lg dogs not sure what to do for her . Not sure if she will make it?
I keep styptic powder around. If there is lots of bleeding, u can pack it in a wound. I worry about shock so if it were my hen I'd clean her with a saline rinse (i use contact solution saline to wash a wound) keep her in a warm safe darkish place for the night (i use a walk in closet). I also try to get honey or honey water in a chicken that is stressed. A wildlife rescuer told me they use it with all animals when they are out of options. If u can bandage it, use a nonsticking pad and stretch wrap. Again, this is NOT medical advice, the BEST thing is to take her to a pro, but lots of us dont have access to a bird vet so just sharing what i would do if it were me bcus its terrible to have an injured critter and be panicking. Good luck!
My poor hen was mauled by 2 lg dogs not sure what to do for her . Not sure if she will make it?
I'm sorry about your hen :hugs

Is she alert?
Flush the wound well with saline, betadine, chlorhexidine or if you don't have those, use warm soapy water (rinse well). Trim the feathers away from the wound so you can see it more clearly and access the damage (photos after you have cleaned it would be good).

You can apply triple antibiotic ointment or vetericyn to the wound.

I would keep her in a relatively warm quiet place, provide water, don't worry with food right now unless she's alert and seems eager to eat on her own.

It's very hard to know if she will survive a lot depends on the damage (externally and internally). If you have vet care that is best.
Need to seek avian vet or farm vet ASAP. Likely will need abx and assist wound care. After cleansing wound wrap in gauze and vet wrap tie ends so can’t come loose. Good Luck! I’m glad yours survived mine did not. I lost my flock of four to two pit bulls.
Sorry about your hen. Can you give some details about how she is acting? What do you have for first aid treatments? Betadine or Hibiclens (chlorhexidene) mixed with a little water are excellent for treating a wound. Vetericyn Wound Spray is also a good one to use. Plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment are very good to put on the wound twice a day after cleaning. Many chickens can recover from attacks if they do not have internal injuries, leaking air sacs, or if they do ‘t have wound infections. Is she alert or able to stand and walk? Can you get her to take some liquids? Keep her isolated and away from flies. Let us know how she is doing.
Make sure she isolated in hospital crate inside with water and sav a chick electrolytes. You have plenty good advice here. Don’t leave outside. Open to infection and second attack. Prayers!
our poor rooster about lost his head to a coon, we just flushed the would and packed it with triple antibiotic until he was outta the isolation then put blue kote on after we were sure he didn't have germs in the would before letting him back with the hens after about a week. they are amazingly resilient. most important part is cleaning, antibiotic without pain killer and that the bird is drinking, first day all he would do was drink no interest in food, second day he was up a bit more but refused regular food,added some broth into water then he perked up a bit more had alternated yogurt with honey and plain scrambled egg or boiled rice, took him 5 days to get back to more of a regular diet

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