Dog attack

Sue Gremlin

11 Years
Jan 1, 2013
Colebrook, CT
I hope I did the right thing, what do you guys think?
A dog got to my chickens tonight and wounded one, killed another.

The wounded one was unable to stand when I found her, I picked her up and put her in a warm dark space for about an hour, and she regained her footing. I gave her a thorough once-over and found a couple of small bite wounds and one large tear in her skin under her wing, the hole is about 3 cm across. Nothing broken and no apparent penetrating injuries.

I opted not to stitch the big wound, I plucked what feathers I could from the edges, rinsed it out with saline and sprinkled some oxytetracyline powder on it.

I gave her a shot of Tylan and put her in one of the nest boxes.

Should I have stitched her up?
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I hope I did the right thing, what do you guys think?
A dog got to my chickens tonight and wounded one, killed another.

The wounded one was unable to stand when I found her, I picked her up and put her in a warm dark space for about an hour, and she regained her footing. I gave her a thorough once-over and found a couple of small bite wounds and one large tear in her skin under her wing, the hole is about 3 cm across. Nothing broken and no apparent penetrating injuries.

I opted not to stitch the big wound, I plucked what feathers I could from the edges, rinsed it out with saline and sprinkled some oxytetracyline powder on it.

I gave her a shot of Tylan and put her in one of the nest boxes.

Should I have stitched her up?
Unless it's a gaping hole with a flap of flesh over it (like a really deep gash) then I wouldn't pay to have her stitched up. You've rinsed it out already, so see if you can find some antibiotic ointment and use that. Keep it in and around the wound, and put fresh stuff on once or twice a day.
One of my chickens got attacked by a coyote recently (praise the Lord for our dog) but she survived with just a puncture wound on her hip. We kept it full of neosporin-like stuff and she has since made a complete recovery. :)

I'm so sorry that it killed the other one. :(
I had a hen one time get cut open with my dog. I rinsed kept meds on and she healed just fine. Keep an eye on it and keep clean. It will probably get kind of nasty but it will heal. Her cut was about 2 / 2 1/2". A careful eye and she should be fine. Once a dog kills a chicken you have to watch the dog more than likely will do it again. I'm sorry for your loss, it's a difficult thing.
Thanks, I am glad I asked. I was planning to stitch it up myself (none of the vets here see chickens), but I thought better of it, I didn't have any assurance that the wound was really clean, so I thought it would be better to let it heal on its own. it's right in the area where a rooster would spur her.

It was a neighbor's dog. A Chihuahua if you can believe that!
I am sad about the one we lost, but if I am honest, I was about to cull her. She was mean, and would chase us and attack our cats. I was struggling with the decision, I guess I don't have to struggle with it anymore.
Thanks, I am glad I asked. I was planning to stitch it up myself (none of the vets here see chickens), but I thought better of it, I didn't have any assurance that the wound was really clean, so I thought it would be better to let it heal on its own. it's right in the area where a rooster would spur her.

It was a neighbor's dog. A Chihuahua if you can believe that!
Ahh. Does her wing cover it or no?

Chihuahuas are the most unsuspected chicken chasers in the canine world. One of our neighbor's chis wiped out half their flock, including an ex-fighting game cock and a very large cuckoo marans roo. It was ridiculous!

I am sad about the one we lost, but if I am honest, I was about to cull her. She was mean, and would chase us and attack our cats. I was struggling with the decision, I guess I don't have to struggle with it anymore.
Oh wow! I have a hen like that... For some reason it sems like I'm the only one she hates though. :gig :rolleyes:
I've been on here for a while now. I have read a lot of problems from all over. Out of all the problems I've read, one problem is always the same. "The vet here does not do chickens". Is there a vet that does work with chickens? I'm telling you, they could make a million and never touch another animal. :he:barnie
I've been on here for a while now. I have read a lot of problems from all over. Out of all the problems I've read, one problem is always the same. "The vet here does not do chickens". Is there a vet that does work with chickens? I'm telling you, they could make a million and never touch another animal. :he:barnie
I know right?! Especially working in more urban areas where more people consider their birds as pets then livestock. Our vet does have a lady who works on chickens, but she doesn't do exclusively poultry - not enough people out here are willing to pay a vet visit for their $5 chicken. :hmm

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