Dog attack

It looks deep but should be able to heal on it's own. Is she having trouble walking?
He'll try to walk and fall down. Should I try to have them out of the crate each day to try to walk around to keep strength or just allow rest at this point? It does look pretty deep which is my concern. They did run off when it first happened and can walk a bit but then wobble down. So I'm not sure if anything broken I'm thinking just the open wound.
I’m sorry about your rooster. I bet he is a handsome fellow. Trim the feathers away from the wound as best as you can. Until your Vetericyn gets here you can rinse his wound with sterile saline solution once or twice a day and then pack with a triple antibiotic ointment such as neosporin. Make sure the neosporin has no pain relief in it. Keep the wound moist with ointment so it doesn’t dry out. It’s probably best to keep him inside away from flies until it can heal a bit. Treat him for shock very quickly after addressing the wound. Use 1 cup water with a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt and baking soda. Gently dip his beak in to get him to drink some. You can also use Gatorade or some nutridrench mixed with water if you have any.
Thank you I have nutridrench. I am keeping him inside because flies are very bad right now and I feel he's probably calmer in a quiet room in the house. The barn I also have goats ducks rabbits and they can be a handful lol. He is one of my favorites so I really hope he can pull through quickly. I feel so awful.
Thank you I have nutridrench. I am keeping him inside because flies are very bad right now and I feel he's probably calmer in a quiet room in the house. The barn I also have goats ducks rabbits and they can be a handful lol. He is one of my favorites so I really hope he can pull through quickly. I feel so awful.
Good thinking. I would not let him walk until he feels better or wants to leave.
Thank you I have nutridrench. I am keeping him inside because flies are very bad right now and I feel he's probably calmer in a quiet room in the house. The barn I also have goats ducks rabbits and they can be a handful lol. He is one of my favorites so I really hope he can pull through quickly. I feel so awful.
I know it feels awful, I am sorry :hugswe also have gone through a dog attack, hang in there. The good news is that chickens heal remarkably well from some really awful wounds. Most important thing right now is to get him through shock. Tend his wound best you can if he isn’t too stressed out. If he is, treat the shock first by getting him the sugar water solution or water with nutridrench and a bit of sugar mixed in, then keep him somewhere warm, quiet and dim and assess the wounds in a bit.

Edit to add that I can’t stress how important it is to get him through shock. Always try to treat that very fast after any wound.
@alinas2010 has given you good advice. Chickens are tough and usually recover well even after some pretty horrendous injuries. We had a hen suffer a pretty ugly dog bite on her back, it was a deep open wound at least an inch across and got flystrike before we were even aware of it. But we treated it pretty much as alinas is describing and in three weeks she was good as new. Good luck with your bird!

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